Enter Credentials dialog

The Connect Enter Credentials Dialog appears when attempting to run a Production Print (which prints via the Connect Server) from the Designer. The dialog box allows selection of the Server URL, as well as the username to be used for connecting to the Server, if this has not already been set.

This dialog appears the very first time Production Print is selected and any subsequent Production Print run, unless:

  1. A valid user is entered in this dialog and the Save username and password checkbox is selected.

  2. The Default user has already been assigned in the Connect Servers preferences sub-section of the Designer Preferences dialog.

Note: There is a standard Connect Server user that is added when installing Connect.

For fresh Connect installations the username is olc-user and for upgrades from versions prior to 2020.2 the username is ol-admin (password: secret).

This dialog box allows the following options:

  • Name: A non-selectable field that is set to "Default".

  • URL: The URL of the Server to connect to.

  • Ignore certificate errors on HTTPS connections checkbox: Select if you wish to ignore such errors on HTTPS connections.

  • Authentication checkbox: Select to enter the username for connecting to the Connect Sever. See note above.
    If selected, the follow options become available:

    • Username: Enter the user for connecting to the Connect Sever. See note above.

    • Password: Enter the password associated with this user.

  • Save credentials checkbox: Select this checkbox to connect to this Sever using the entered credentials hereafter.

In addition to the standard OK and Cancel buttons, this dialog box provides a Test Connection button. This can be used to test the validity of the credentials entered in the dialog.
When the Test is successful, a pop up will be displayed, stating that the dialog successfully connected to the Server.

Note: When using HTTPS in communication with the OL Connect Server, the hostname entered and certificates used must conform with SNI requirements, i.e. the host name must contain at least one dot, and an IP address can only be used if the certificate permits it.