Translation String Options dialog

The Translation String Options dialog sets the options for a translation entry. To open it, double-click a translation entry or click the Add Empty String button on the Translations pane.

For information about template translation, see Translating templates.

  • String:

    • Source: This is the text that will be presented to the translator, and that will be replaced with a translation when OL Connect generates output from the template. It is case-sensitive.
      When a new translation entry is created by tagging an HTML element for translation (see Tagging elements for translation), the text of that element gets copied to this field.

    • Context (optional): Describe where the source text is used, for example: "This text is in the head of a table", or "Table|Head", to help the translator make the best choice when the source text appears more than once and should be translated differently in different locations.
      The description is added to the <data-translate> attribute of the HTML element in which the source text is located, as its value, for example: <data-translate="Table">.
      Note that a translation will only be applied if the value of the <data-translate> attribute of the respective HTML element is exactly the same as the given Context (case-sensitive).

  • Pluralization: Check this option to make it possible for the translator to enter (text with) plurals. See Pluralization.

    Note: The Singular and Plural given in this dialog are only used when there is no .po file that matches the locale.

    • Singular: Enter the text to use when the value of the selected data field is 1.

    • Plural: Enter the text to use when the value of the selected data field is not 1.

    • Data field: Select a data field that contains a numerical value. It depends on the value in this field whether the singular or plural is used.

  • Instructions for the translator: