Attachments dialog

The Attachments dialog lets you add and remove static Email attachments. For more information about email attachments, see: Email attachments.

  • Add: Click this button to open the Select File dialog (see below).

  • Delete: Deletes the file from the list of attachments. It doesn't remove any files from the template's resources.

  • Attach Print context as PDF: If a Print Context exists in the template, its output will be generated and a PDF version of it will be attached to the outgoing email. This option can be overridden by the setting in the Send Test Email or Send Email dialog.

Select File dialog

Resources: lists the images that are present in the Images folder on the Resources pane. A preview of the selected image will be shown at the right.

Disk: lets you select a file that resides in a folder on a hard drive that is accessible from your computer. If possible, a preview of the selected file will be shown.

  • Path. The complete syntax of the path is: file://<host>/<path>. Note: if the host is "localhost", it can be omitted, resulting in file:///<path>, for example: file:///c:/documents/mydocument.doc.

  • Browse: opens an explorer window to browse folders and select a file.

Url: lets you select a file from a specific web address. Select the protocol and then enter the URL (for example, If the selected file is an image, a preview will be shown below.

  • Protocol: http or https.

Note: Certain characters are invalid in a URL (for example, '$', '%', and '&') and must be percent-encoded. The same applies to a file path, since that actually is a URL that starts with the file protocol.

Note that even a space character is invalid in a URL. Spaces in a URL are supported for backward compatibility, but it is recommended to percent-encode a space character as %20.

The option Save with template is available when choosing an image from disk or by URL. This inserts the image in the Images folder on the Resources pane. If not saved with the template, the image will remain external.

Note: External files need to be available when the template is merged with a record set to generate output, and their location should be accessible from the machine on which the template's output is produced. External files are updated (retrieved) at the time the output is generated.