JSON sample data dialog

The JSON sample data dialog lets you load JSON data into the Data Model (see Loading data).
By default, the JSON data is mapped to corresponding fields in the existing Data Model. Data that does not correspond to any field is discarded.
You may use the Replace Data Model option to let the JSON data replace the existing Data Model.

The dialog is opened via the menu: File > Data > Open JSON Sample Data..., or via the JSON Sample Data toolbar button on the Data Model pane.

The options in this dialog are:

  • File: The path and name of the JSON file to use. The file is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded.

  • Browse: Opens an explorer window to browse folders and select a JSON file.

  • The box below the file name allows to paste or enter JSON data. After opening a JSON file the JSON data will appear in this box. You can review and edit the JSON.
    For the types of JSON that are accepted, see below.

  • Replace Data Model: Selecting the Replace Data Model option removes the existing Data Model from the template and creates a new Data Model based on the keys found in the JSON. When this option is not checked, the JSON data is mapped to any corresponding fields in the existing Data Model, and data that does not correspond to any field is discarded.

    Note: If a data mapping configuration is open at the same time, the loaded JSON will always replace the Data Model and no values will be imported.

  • Finish: If the JSON is valid, you may click Finish to import the data into the Data Model pane. Arrays of objects are converted to records (or detail tables); key-value pairs are converted to data fields.

Note: The JSON Sample Data is not stored with the template. In order to reuse the data you should create a JSON file on disk and load it via the File option in this dialog.

Types of JSON data

You can add the following types of JSON data:

  • A JSON object or an array of JSON objects representing records. The data type is derived from the data:

    • Any value surrounded with quotes is converted to a field of type String.

    • Any numeric value containing a period is converted to a field of type Float.

    • Any numeric value that does not contain a period is converted to a field of type Integer.

    • A value "true" or "false" is converted to a field of type Boolean.

  • Typed JSON. This JSON follows the structure of a JSON Record Data List (see the REST API Cookbook). Field types are determined by the schema object in the JSON. Runtime parameters are held in the parameters object.

Any nested JSON objects are displayed on successive levels in the Data Model.


Example: A single record with two fields

{ "first": "Peter", "last": "Parker" }

Example: Two records

[{ "first": "Peter", "last": "Parker" },
{"first": "Martin", "last": "Moore"

Example: A single record with a detail table

"name":"Peter Parker",
"detail": [{"id":"123","sports":"running"},{"id":"456","sports":"swimming"}]

Example: A JSON Record Data List

A JSON Record Data List describes a list of data fields (as name/value pairs), a data table schema and nested data records (if any) for one or more data records. This example holds a single, simple record, and two runtime parameters.

"parameters": {
"campaign":"Campaign Name",
"data": {
"schema": {
"columns": {
"Gender": "STRING",
"FirstName": "STRING",
"LastName": "STRING"
"fields": {
"ID": "CU00048376",
"Gender": "M.",
"FirstName": "Benjamin",
"LastName": "Verret"

Note that the "parameters" key can be left out if there are no runtime parameters.

For more examples see the REST API Cookbook, and Working with JSON data in the Workflow Online Help.