AFP Options
Note: This page is only available in the Enterprise edition of OL Connect.
This page appears as part of the Advanced Print Wizard and the print Output Preset wizard.
The AFP Options page is shown only when a AFP Print output type is selected
in the Print Options dialog. It is used to select AFP specific options.
Page Groups
Select (or deselect) what Page Grouping options are to be created for AFP output.-
Job Segments.
Document Sets.
Options group:
AFP specific output options, relating to AFP Tagged Logical Elements (TLEs) - Create TLEs for all metadata properties: Used to control whether automatic TLEs are to be created from job metadata properties and included in the AFP output, or not.
Prior to Connect 2018.2 TLEs were always created for job metadata properties. This checkbox provides an option for switching off that automatic TLE creation.Note: If you want to create your own TLEs it can be useful to disable automatic TLE creation. This reduces the chance of unexpected clashes.
Rules selection:
TLEs and NOPs can be controlled by configurable rules. These rules are organized in groups. Each rule is associated with 1 or more custom AFP records. Those records get inserted into the output when their rule is true.-
Add. Add a Rule or rule Group. All rules need to reside within rule Groups.
All rule Groups have a name and trigger.
The name has no functional purpose other than in identifying the Group within the Table.
The trigger determines when the rules are evaluated, and they can be set to either Page, Document, Document Set or Job Segment triggers.
Rules can be based upon other groups of rules, or based upon Positioning, Size or Metadata (if Metadata is available).
Rules within a group act as alternatives, with the first rule equating to "true" being chosen. -
Edit. Edit a Rule or Group.
The editing options are the same as those that applied when the Group or Rule was initially created. -
Move. The order that groups appear in, controls the order in which the AFP records they control get inserted. Use these controls to sort the order as desired.
Delete. Delete the selected Rule(s) or Group(s) from the table.
Condition display box: This displays the contents of the currently selected Rule or rule Group. The contents cannot be edited.
Add a TLE or NOP to be applied when the current condition is met. This adds embedded textual metadata in the output, that does not impact upon the appearance of the output in any way.
TLE (Tagged Logical Elements) records:
A TLE structured field assigns an attribute name and an attribute value to a page or page group. The TLE structured field may be embedded directly in the page or page group, or it may reference the page or page group from a document index.
When a TLE structured field is associated with a page group, the parameters of the TLE structured field are inherited by all the pages in the page group and by all other page groups that are nested within that page group.
The scope of a TLE is determined by its position with respect to other TLEs that reference, or are embedded in, the same page or page group. The TLE structured field does not provide any presentation specifications and therefore has no effect on the appearance of a document when it is created.
NOP (No Operation) records:
In some cases, instead of using TLEs, a choice might be made to use NOP records (a field that is bypassed when processing output, and produces no output) with custom data to come up with an entirely proprietary way of adding metadata.-
Add. Add either a TLE or NOP record to be associated with the current Condition.
The TLE requires both a name and some textual content.
The NOP requires just the textual content. -
Edit. Edit the TLE or NOP entry.
Move. Use these controls to move the selected entry(s) up or down within the Records table.
Delete. Delete the selected entries from the table.
Advanced Printing Wizard and Output Preset navigation options
Preview button (active in Advanced Print Wizard only): Click to launch a Proof Preview window, which displays how the printed output would look based upon the currently chosen selections.
Back and Next buttons: Used to navigate back and forth through all the selected options within the Wizard. Up until the Print button is pressed, one can reverse all the way through the wizard to return to the main selection page (the Print options page) and add or remove printing options from the print run.
Print button (Advanced Print Wizard only) or Finish button (Output Preset Wizard only):
Click to produce print output/finalize the Preset according to the current settings.
This can be done at any point within the Wizard, whether or not all the options selected in the Print options page have been completed or not. -
Cancel button: Cancels the Print Wizard, without creating any printout or altering Preset.