Print Manager
Note: The Print Manager is only available in the Enterprise edition of OL Connect.
The Print Manager provides a means of managing print jobs in a print production environment. It provides the ability to queue jobs, to set hot-folders to allow jobs to run the instant they arrive in a live hot-folder, to re-print jobs, to preview job output, to halt job printing, to organise or re-organise the sequence of production printing, to monitor the current state of printers, to restart paused printers, and such like.
The Print Manager is primarily designed to run in conjunction with IPDS output, as it must be used to send IPDS output for IPDS printers. It can also be used in conjunction with PCL and PostScript output, but with less options available.
IPDS printing requires a print stream and OL Connect only produce files, thus the intermediary Print Manager is required to bridge the communication divide to IPDS printers. The Print Manager feeds IPDS output directly to the printer as a print stream, rather than as a file.
Neither PCL nor PostScript printers require a print stream, so both those output types can be sent directly to a printer from within Connect. However, you could opt to generate spool files from Connect, and then use the Print Manager application to provide some extra print management functionality, such as organizing job priorities, printer queues and job reprints.
The Print Manager can be installed standalone (so long as the MariaDB component is included in the installation) and can be installed on more than one machine.
Print Manager Introduction Video
Print Manager usage
For a full description of how to use Print Manager, see the Print Manager Interface.
Print Manager ports
For a list what network ports Print Manager requires, see Network considerations.