
Retrieves the list of all Key names and data types in Group GroupName, stored in a JSONStringObject. You should use JSON.Parse() to convert the string into an actual JavaScript object. You can then use the for…in construct to list the different properties for that object (i.e. the keys in the group).

Syntax ​

ListKeys(GroupName: string):JSONStringArray


In each of these examples, the object repoObject is deemed having been obtained through a call to the COM object "RepositoryLib.WorkflowRepository" (see Obtaining an instance of the Repository Object).


var repoObject = new ActiveXObject("RepositoryLib.WorkflowRepository");

var myList = JSON.parse(repoObject.ListKeys("Internal"));
for (var Property in myList) {
/* Log all key names for group Users to the console */

Sample return value

'{"ID": "meta", "FirstName": "string", "LastName": "string", "email": "string", "DateC": "meta", "DateM": "meta"}'

As shown in the sample, the value associated with each key name is actually the data type for that key. Only two values are currently possible: string and meta, where meta denotes an internally generated key.