Notification Messages behavior preferences

Notification Messages behavior preferences control the display of certain messages and prompts within Connect Workflow.


  • User mismatch: Select to have Connect Workflow display a prompt when a different user opens the application.
  • Task deletion: Select to prompt for confirmation when deleting a task.
  • Document deletion: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for confirmation when deleting a document.
  • Prompt on Document deletion when service is running:
  • Group of documents deletion: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for confirmation when deleting a group of documents from the Configuration Components pane.
  • Empty group deletion: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for confirmation to delete a group when you remove the last of its member objects. If you clear this option, groups are automatically deleted when their last members are removed.
  • Invalid name: Select to have Connect Workflow warn you when you try to rename an object in the Configuration Components incorrectly. Names can include letters, numbers, and underscores; the first character of a name cannot be a number.
  • Printer queues update: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt you when adding a document to a group under the Documents category in the Configuration Components pane. You are only prompted if the group of documents is assigned to one or more printer queues. Connect Workflow can add the new document to all assigned groups under the Printer Queues category automatically.
  • Configuration save with wrong user: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for confirmation when you are saving a configuration while logged onto the computer as a user other than the one associated with the PlanetPress Workflow service.
  • Configuration save: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt to save the current configuration when exiting the software or before opening another configuration file.
  • Configuration send: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt to send the current configuration to run in the PlanetPress Workflow service when exiting software or before opening another configuration file.
  • Nothing to configure: Select to have Connect Workflow notify you when you try to set properties for a task that does not have any properties. For example, the Error Bin input has no properties because it only inputs jobs sent to it through On Error properties of tasks in other processes. When you attempt to edit its properties, it displays the "nothing to configure" message when this option is selected.
  • No registry: Select to have Connect Workflow notify you if it cannot find an install location in the registry. In such cases, the path of the currently running software executable is used as the install path.
  • PlanetPress Watch 3 documents and job commands transfer: Select to have Connect Workflow display a prompt when you import a configuration from PlanetPress Watch 3 that allows you to transfer documents and job commands.
  • Plugin not found: Select to have Connect Workflow display a prompt when you import a configuration, and one or more of the plugins used in the configuration are not found on the computer running the software.
  • Prompt on configuration overwrite: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for confirmation when a configuration is about to overwrite a file with the same name.
  • Prompt on no active process to send: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for confirmation when attempting to send a configuration although no processes are active.
  • Prompt on overwrite of a document: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for confirmation when a document that is being imported using File | Import Document is about to overwrite an existing document.
  • Prompt on Document overwrite when service is running: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for confirmation when a document that is being imported using File | Import Document is about to overwrite an existing document. The only difference between this option and the previous one is that this option will warn the user that the document about to be overwritten may currently be used by the PlanetPress Watch service.
  • Prompt on Importing a non PlanetPress Document: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for confirmation when a document that is not a valid PlanetPress Connect document is about to be imported. This may occur if a non-PlanetPress Connect document will inadvertently have a PPX or PSI file extension.
  • Prompt on Resetting Document Attributes: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for confirmation when importing a hidden or read-only document using the File | Import document command. By confirming the import, you allow Connect Workflowto reset the document’s attributes to ’Visible’ and ’Read and Write’.
  • Prompt on Document Instance Deletion:
  • Prompt on Emulation Change: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt when the default process emulation is being changed. The last emulation selected when debugging a process is the one the process begins with.
  • Prompt on Form Refresh: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for confirmation when recompiling the PostScript (PSx) version of a PlanetPress Connect Document. Refreshing PlanetPress Connect Documents that are currently in use can lead to unexpected results.
  • Prompt on Saving with Unknown Task: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for confirmation when saving a configuration file or sending the configuration to the PlanetPress Watch service, when any process contains Unknown tasks. If an Unknown Task is present, such as when a process was created with a Connect Workflow license that is not the same as the current one, the settings for this task will be lost when saving or sending to the service.
  • Display Generic Splitter Found Message: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt when a Generic Splitter task is found in any of the configuration's processes. The Generic Splitter task is maintained because of its historical purpose but should no longer be used since it can almost always be replaced by more specialized and efficient splitters.
  • Warn on Component Rename: Select to have Connect Workflow prompt for action when configuration components, such as processes, are imported from an external configuration file. Imported components can overwrite existing components, or be renamed automatically with unique names.