Gets the value of a style property of one HTML element, or sets one or more CSS properties of one or more HTML elements.
css(styleName) : String
Returns the value of the specified CSS property of an HTML element, which can be:
- The first element in a set of elements that match the selector of a script (see results).
- One element that matches the selector of a script that runs for "Each matched element" (see this and Setting the scope of a script).
- The first element in a set of elements returned by a query in the template (see query()).
String; the name of the CSS property.
This script stores the text color of the results
(the HTML elements that match the selector of the script) in a variable.
var textcolor = results.css("color");
The following script looks up an element with the ID #calloutbox and stores its background color in a variable.
var backgroundcolor = query("#calloutbox").css("background-color");
css(styleName, value)
Function to set a CSS property of one HTML element or of each element in a result set.
String; the name of the CSS property.
String; value for the CSS property or a map of property-value pairs to set.
This script looks up an element with the ID #calloutbox and sets its text color to red.
query("#callout p").css('color' , 'red');
The following script does the same, but it only sets the text color to red if in the current record the value of the field 'accounttype' is 'PRO'.
if(record.fields.accounttype == "PRO") {
query("#callout p").css("color","red");
This script sets the text color of the results to a hexadecimal color code.
results.css('color' , '#669900');
This script loads a snippet into a variable. Then it finds/replaces text in the snippet and applies a css property to the replacing text.
var mysnippet = loadhtml('snippets/snippet vars.html');
mysnippet.find('@var@').text('OL Connect').css('text-decoration','underline');
Function to set one or multiple CSS properties of one or more HTML elements, which can be:
- The elements that match the selector of a script (see results).
- One element that matches the selector of a script that runs for "Each matched element" (see this and Setting the scope of a script).
- The elements returned by a query in the template (see query()).
Array; map of property-value pairs to set.
This script colors the text of the results
(the set of HTML elements that match the selector of the script) red and makes it bold.
results.css({'color' : 'red', 'font-weight' : 'bold'});