PDF Signature
The PDF Signature dialog appears when either adding or editing a Signature on the PDF Options page.
The PDF digital signature contains information about the signer, the location and reason used for signing and the time of creation.
The digital signature can be made visible on the output, with the dimensions of the signature box being configurable.
Note: PReS Connect currently supports only a single Digital Signature per PDF output file.
Name: Enter a name that describes the signature entry.
Keystore name: Use the drop-down to select which keystore the signature is pulled from.
These keystores are set in the Keystore dialog, called from the PDF Options page. -
Signature Properties group: These are optional Metadata fields associated with the signature, which can be omitted.
- Location: The CPU host name or physical location of the signing.
- Reason: Records the reason for the signing.
- Contact: Information to enable a recipient to contact the signer to verify the signature. For example: a phone number.
Key group: Refers to a key from the keystore.
Alias: The user-friendly name of the key.
To select the alias directly from those present in the specified keystore, press the Chose Alias from keystore button () to the right of the edit box. This launches the Chose Alias from Keystore dialog.
Password: Enter the password for the key (the same password as was entered in Key Store).
Repeat Password: Re-enter the password for the key (same as previous).
Timestamp: Check to enable time stamping authentication.
Note: Not available for signatures set to use Adobe.PPKLite Handler.
Timestamp Server URL: Select the Time Stamp Authority (TSA) URL address.
One example of a TSA is https://freetsa.org. -
Account: Account name specific to the TSA server chosen.
Password: Password specific to the TSA server chosen.
Repeat Password: Repeat of password.
Visible Signature: Check to add a visible signature to the PDF file.
The signature is added to the specified page of each output file.
The signature will be created using Arial 10pt black font. If this font does not exist on the production machine, a substitute font will be used.
If the digital signature contents exceed the dimensions of the configured box, the text will be scaled down.Note: When creating PDF/VT-1 or PDF/X-4 output, the visible signature should be located outside the visible page area (trimbox/bleedbox).
The Weaver engine logs a warning message if this is not the case.The default measuring option is points (pt) but metric options (mm / cm) can be manually selected.
X: Enter the horizontal distance between the left side of the page and the left side of the signature.
Y: Enter the vertical distance between the top of the page and the top of the signature.
Width: Enter the desired width of the signature.
Height: Enter the desired height of the signature.
Select which Page the signature is to be embedded in:
First Page
Last Page
Specific Page. Enter which page in the Page number edit field, which becomes enabled when this option is selected.
If the output file does not contain the specified page, then the signature will be added as an invisible signature to the PDF output file.
Advanced Print Wizard navigation options
Preview button: Click to launch a Proof Preview window, which displays how the printed output would look based upon the currently chosen selections.
Back and Next buttons: Used to navigate back and forth through all the selected options within the Wizard. Up until the Print button is pressed, one can reverse all the way through the wizard to return to the main selection page (the Print options page) and add or remove printing options from the print run.
Print button: Click to produce print output according to the current settings. This can be done at any point within the Wizard, whether or not all the options selected in the Print options page have been completed or not.
Cancel button: Cancels the Print Wizard, without creating any printout.