Backup existing Connect version
It is recommended that you always backup your existing Connect preferences before upgrading to a new version. This will enable you to revert back to the previous version, in a worst case scenario in which the new version introduces issues with your existing production processes. Whilst the probability of such a worst case scenario is remote, it cannot hurt to take some simple precautions, just in case.
Backing up a virtual machine
Backing up a virtual machine installation is relatively straight forward. Simply take a snapshot of the virtual machine instance, prior to upgrading. This would save all the localized preferences and configurations.
Backing up a real machine
Backup these folders
C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\OL Connect\.settings\ConnectHostScope
Where [username]
is replaced by the appropriate Windows user name.
Tip: Actually, the path may not begin with 'C:\Users', as this is language-dependent. On a French system, for example, it would be 'C:\Utilisateurs'.
Type %userprofile%
in a Windows File Explorer and press Enter to open the actual current user's home directory.
Note that the installer is designed to keep these folders/files intact. Backing them up is simply a precautionary measure.
Additionally, these are only the folders that are natively managed by the installer. Back up every custom location/resource that may be important for the functionality of your solution.
Backup your database
If you want to be completely thorough and be able to exactly replicate your existing system, you should also backup your existing Connect database.
If the default (pre Connect 2022.1) MySQL database were being used as the Connect back-end database, we would recommend the MySQLDump tool be used for this. See for details on this utility program: mysqldump (