
The PdfPrintParams structure contains information used to control the printing of the file. To instantiate the PdfPrintParams structure, create the AlambicEdit.PdfPrintParams object in Workflow's scripting environment.

Javascript implementation:
var pdfPrintParams= new ActiveXObject("AlambicEdit.PdfPrintParams");

VBScript implementation:
set pdfPrintParams = CreateObject("AlambicEdit.PdfPrintParams")


PdfPrintParams {	
STRING docName
Name of the document; this is the name displayed in the Windows spooler window.
STRING pageRange
Pages to print and/or page ranges separated by commas; e.g. "0,3,5-12". Page numbers are 0-based. Leave empty to print all pages.
INTEGER copies
Number of copies to print.
BOOL shrinkToFit
If true, the page will be resized (shrunk or expanded) and rotated to fit to the physical media on which it is being printed.
BOOL printAnnotations
If true, annotations will be printed.