PlanetPress Capture preferences

PlanetPress Capture behavior settings lets you change the PlanetPress Capture options relative to your Workflow server. This is where you set up your server and database and where you manage pens, documents and licenses.

The available PlanetPress Capture user options are:

  • Mode: Choose between Server and Client mode. Client and Server mode are used for multi-server architectures. See PlanetPress Capture Server/Client.
  • Port: Select the port used to connect two servers together. The default value is 5864.
  • Document and Pattern Database group
    • Status: Displays the status of the database.
    • Use ODBC Database: Check to ignore the default location for the Microsoft Access database (MDB) and use an ODBC connection to your own database location instead.
    • ODBC Settings: Click to open the PlanetPress Capture ODBC Settings dialog.
    • Test Connection: Click to verify the connection to the ODBC Database.
    • Reset Database: Click to reset the database to its original status.
    • Manage Documents...: Click to open the PlanetPress Document Manager.
  • Pen Database group