Highlight a task or branch

The Highlight command lets you toggle the background color of selected tasks and branches.

There are several ways to highlight a Process area square.

  • Right-click it and select Highlight from the contextual menu.
  • Double-click it, open the Miscellaneous tab and select the Highlight option.
  • Select a square, open the View ribbon and select Highlight from the Navigate group.

To remove the highlight, repeat the procedure.

Selecting a highlight color

The default highlight color may be changed via the Connect Workflow Configuration preferences (see Colors).

A custom highlight color can be defined per task: open the task's properties (double-click) and select or define a color under Highlight color on the Miscellaneous tab.
To revert the custom highlight color to the default color, open the Miscellaneous tab again, turn the Highlight option off and close the dialog with the OK button; then turn highlighting back on.
Turning highlighting on and off via the task's contextual menu doesn't change the highlight color.