LPD Input plugin preferences

LPD input plugin preferences control certain functions of the Connect Workflow LPD Server service, which in turn has an impact on LDP input tasks performed by Connect Workflow on a given computer. The LPD Server service receives jobs using TCP/IP from LPD servers.

For information on the preferences set in individual LDP input tasks, refer to LPD Input Task Properties.


  • Protocol options group
    • Log all Winsock and network messages: Select to have Connect Workflow keep a log of all Winsock and other network messages that occur through the LPD service. These are messages related to jobs being sent from other systems through LPR, and being received by Connect Workflow via LPD. Since these messages can accumulate, you have the option of not logging them. Log files are kept in the Log folder, which is located in the Connect Workflow installation folder. They are named lpddate.log, where date is the current date in the yyyymmdd numerical format. Note that changing this option also affects the log displayed in the Connect Workflow Service Console.
    • No source port range restriction: Select to remove any restrictions on the port of the LPR client computer that Connect Workflow accepts data files from. Clear to have Connect Workflow only accept data files sent from ports ranging between 721 and 731 on the LPR client computer.
    • Strict RFC 1179 control file: Select to disable control file extensions the LPD service implements for some flavors of UNIX and LPR. This enforces the basic Line Printer Daemon protocol.
    • Enable BSD compatibility mode: Select to have the LPD service emulate a BSD UNIX server. Although RFC 1179 is supposed to describe the BSD LPD/LPR protocol, and the LPD input in Connect Workflow is RFC1179-compliant, there are some incompatibilities between the RFC and the BSD implementation. This option compensates for some of these incompatibilities. If you are not sure about the source of your output, clear this option.
  • LDP settings group
    • Time-out (sec): Set the time in seconds the process waits for the transfer of bytes in the data file before ending the transfer of this file. The default value for the Time-out property is 7200 seconds (2 hours). On a time-out, partially received data files are not passed to the rest of the process; the LPD input resets and is ready to receive further data files. Log messages include the time-out duration.