SMTP Input preferences

The SMTP Input preferences control the server protocol aspects of the Connect Workflow SMTP Input tasks. This is where you enable and configure secure communication for the SMTP Server.

To open the Preferences dialog, click the Connect Workflow button and then the Preferences button, or use the key combination Ctrl+Alt+P. The SMTP Input plugin preferences can be found under Plug-in.


  • Port: Select the port to use. The default port is 25.
  • Enable server for TLS encryption: Check this option to enable secure data exchange over the Web. This enables the boxes below and lets you specify your secure communication settings.
  • Note: The Root certificate, Certificate and Key files must be in the PEM format (ASCII base64 encoded). Files in DER format, the binary encoded version of the PEM format, cannot be used to configure Workflow, although they may have the same file extension (e.g. .crt, .cer). Please check the format of your files, using a tool like:

  • Root certificate: Enter the absolute path to the public key certificate identifying the root certificate authority. The file generally has a .crt extension.
  • Certificate: Enter the absolute path to the public key certificate identifying the certified server. The file generally has a .crt extension.

    Note: If the Root Certificate and Certificate file are identical, this is considered a self-signed certificate, which is considered unsecured by most browsers.
    For more information about certificates see: Obtaining a certificate.

  • Key: Enter the absolute path to the Private Key file. This file generally has a .key extension.
  • Password: Enter the password (or passkey) for the Private Key file. The maximum length of this password is 64 characters.
    This password is encrypted within Connect Workflow server and is not saved in plain text.
  • Minimum encryption level: Choose the minimum cryptographic protocol (SSL 2.3, TSL 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2). This is determined by the software that generated the keys. If the highest level supported by the client is lower than the chosen minimum encryption level, the connection will be refused.
  • Verbose log: Select to enable to keep a verbose log. Note that a communication log is generated whether or not this option is selected. If you use a secure connection, the log will contain extra information.