Telnet Input plugin preferences

The Telnet input plugin preferences control the log of the Connect Workflow Telnet Capture service. Since Connect Workflow lets you monitor multiple Telnet inputs simultaneously, the port setting for all Telnet input tasks cannot be set in the Preferences.


  • Log all Winsock and network messages (very verbose): Select to have Connect Workflow keep a log of all Winsock and other network messages that occur from the Telnet input. These messages are related to files sent from other systems using a telnet connection. Since these messages can accumulate, you have the option of not logging them.
  • Use Job Delimiters: Check this option if your Telnet input is a single stream that can contain multiple jobs. The box lets you enter one or more possible delimiters (separated by a line return), either a direct string (such as %%EOJOB) or an ASCII character (\001). For a list of ASCII characters, see