Data Field Properties
The Data Fields Properties will let you change the properties of data fields that have been defined in a linked database, or defined manually in an expression. Note that these options are only used when uploading a document to PrintShop Mail Web as they determine how to collect the information. When using only PrintShop Mail Design, they are ignored.
To open the data field properties
- Open the Data Fields panel. To do this, click the Window menu, then click Data Fields.
- Click on the data field of which you want to change the properties.
- Click in the Window menu, then click Properties.
- The Properties window appears or, if it is already present, is brought to the front and selected.
Available Options
Data Field Group
- Name: A unique identifier, either automatically generated or corresponding to the field name in the database. You cannot modify this value here.
- Default Value: You can set a Default Value here, this will be a string value that will be displayed in PrintShop Web, once the document is published, as a placeholder when no data source is available (yet) for this Data Field. You will find this string value back in PrintShop Web, after the document has been selected (before the stage where a data source is provided).
- Remarks: You can define a Remark here, this will be a string value that will be displayed in PrintShop Web once the document is published. You can use this, for example, to give clients a hint about this variable data field.
Publication Group
- Source: The data source can be either "Database", a database uploaded by the PrintShop Web client, or "User input", data provided by for example a web form.