Substitution Tags Management

PostUp offers a wide range of mailing tags that you can use to easily personalize your mailings with specific member attributes.

If a mailing contains either the [-FIRSTNAME-] or [-NAME-] mailing tag, PostUp will attempt to pull the data value for each recipient record. In the event that a record does not have the indicated value, PostUp will populate the tag with a substitution value.

For example: [-NAME-], make sure to share this email with your friends!

  • Recipient record contains the Name value: John, make sure to share this email with your friends!
  • Recipient record is missing the Name value: Valued Subscriber, make sure to share this email with your friends!

You only have the ability to manage substitution tags for the [-NAME-] and [-FIRSTNAME-] mailing tags. Any other recipient-level mailing tag will default to a blank value if PostUp is unable to locate the specified data for a particular member record. By default, the substitution value for both the [-FIRSTNAME-] and [-NAME-] mailing tag is “friend.” Clients may follow the steps outlined below to change this value.

Updating the Substitution Tag Values

  1. Once logged in, click on the Settings tab.
  2. Click on the Substitution Tags Management link.
  3. The Substitution Tags Management page will appear. Enter the new default values for the [-FIRTSNAME-] and [-NAME-] tags.
  4. Click on Save.