Creating Suppression Policies

Suppression policies are applied when refining your mailing targeting criteria to exclude recipients that meet the criteria of your suppression policy.

Example: Policy A prevents sending of more than 3 mailings to a recipient in a single week. Recipient A has already received 3 mailings this week so will not receive the mailing.

To create a suppression policy:

  1. Open the settings menu and select the policy management option.

  2. Under suppression policy management, select Create new suppression policy.

  3. Enter a title and description for your suppression policy.

  4. Enter a value for the maximum number of mailings a recipient can receive within the scheduled period before being suppressed.

  5. Enter a value for the maximum number of days a mailing is included in the count before being suppressed.

  6. Press the save button to make your policy available when selecting suppression criteria to apply to a mailing.