Presentation Mode

The Presentation Mode option allows Upland Analytics users to download reports and graphs from a dashboard into a display that is easy navigate.

  • From an existing dashboard, open the Main Menu bar and click . The dashboard displays in Presentation Mode.
    1. Thumbnail List: Displays the report type icon and the widget's title for all of the widgets on the dashboard. Click the report or chart you wish to view.
    2. Click to maximize or minimize the report or chart fonts.
    3. Note: This functionality is not available for KPIs and Radial Gauge charts.

    4. Click the arrow to minimize the Thumbnail List.
    5. Click to scroll up and down the Thumbnail List.
    6. Click the arrows to display your reports and charts in the dashboard.
    7. Click to display the presentation in full screen.
      • Click to close the full screen.
    8. Click to exit the Presentation Mode.