2020 R1.7 - New Features

Below is a summary of the features included in the Upland Analytics 2020 R1.7 release.

  • Improved UI/UX of On-Page Filters

  • The On-Page filter interface has been redesigned to display On-Page filters in the right pane.

  • Folder Selections are now Remembered

  • When you open a report, dashboard, or graph/chart and collapse the navigation menu, UA now remembers your selection when you expand the navigation menu.

  • Ability to Quickly Move a Report, Dashboard, Graph/Chart to Another Folder

  • The Move option has been added to the menu to allow you to quickly move a report, dashboard, graph/chart to another folder without the need to open it.

    For more information, see Analytics Menu.

  • Draggable Dialog Boxes

  • You are now able to drag and move all UA dialog boxes to see the underlying page.

  • Enhanced Add Widget Dialog Box

  • The Add Widget dialog box has been modified to display more information and you are now able to search all columns.

  • New Breadcrumb Navigation when Drilling Down

  • When you click on a drill down on a report or dashboard, the Drilldown page displays with the title Create Drilldown from (Dashboard or Report name). You can now click the dashboard or report name to return to the dashboard or report page where you clicked the drill down.