Add a text area

  1. Type your text in the text area.
  2. Optionally, select the text in the text area and apply available formatting options.
    1. Click the Insert/edit link button to insert a hyperlink. The available fields are as follows:
    • URL: Type or paste the address link.
    • Text to display: Type the text you want to use for the link.
    • Title: Type the you want to display when a user hovers over the link.
    • Open link in: Click the arrow and select one of the available options:New window or Current window.
  3. To change the background color, click Custom in the Background color section.
    1. Click the custom color.
    2. Select one of the main colors or click to open the color picker.
    3. Use the fields in the Color Picker to create the desired color, and then click .
  4. Click Save to save the text area.

To move and resize the text area, do one of the following:

  1. Drag and drop the text area to move it on the dashboard.
  2. Drag the corner or the sides of the text area to resize it.