Change the numeric or week format on a report, graph/chart

You can format numeric and week values on reports and graphs/charts. This simple formatting change makes it easy to understand the data values at a glance.

To change the numeric format

You can format numeric values in millions (M) and thousands(K) and round numbers.

  1. From an existing report or graph/chart, open the Main Menu Bar.

  2. Click , and then click Settings. The Report Settings dialog box displays.

  3. Select one of the following:
    • Apply to All Fields: To apply the selected formatting to all numeric fields in the report.

      1. In the Measures row, make the following selection to be applied to numeric fields:
        • Format: Select one of the following formatting option from the drop-down menu:
          • System Default: Displays the numeric fields using the default system preferences set by your Administrator.
          • Thousands: To format the numeric fields that have values in thousands.
          • Millions: To format the numeric fields that have values in millions.
        • Decimals: Select the number of digits to display after the decimal for numeric fields that have values in thousands and/or millions. For example, if you select Thousands and then type 3 in this field, the numeric fields that have values in thousands will display as XXX.XXX.
        • Abbreviation: Type the abbreviation for the numeric fields that have values in thousands and/or millions. For example, if you select Millions and then type M in this field, the numeric fields that have values in millions will display as XXXM.
    • Apply By Column: To apply the selected formatting to columns that contain numeric fields.

      • Column: Displays the columns in the report that can be formatted.
        • Format: Select one of the following formatting option from the drop-down menu:
          • System Default: Displays the numeric fields using the default system preferences set by your Administrator.
          • Thousands: To format the numeric fields that have values in thousands.
          • Millions: To format the numeric fields that have values in millions.
        • Decimals: Select the number of digits to display after the decimal for numeric fields that have values in thousands and/or millions. For example, if you select Thousands and then type 3 in this field, the numeric fields that have values in thousands will display as XXX.XXX.
        • Abbreviation: Type the abbreviation for the numeric fields that have values in thousands and/or millions. For example, if you select Millions and then type M in this field, the numeric fields that have values in millions will display as XXXM.


To change the week format

  1. From an existing report or graph/chart, open the Main Menu Bar.

  2. Click , and then click Settings. The Report Settings dialog box displays.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Apply to All Fields: To apply the selected formatting to all week fields in the report.

      1. In the Week row, make the following selection to be applied to week fields:
        • Format: Select one of the following week formats:
          • System Default: Displays the week using the default system preferences set by your Administrator.
          • Week of Jan 1 20XX
          • Week of Jan 1
          • 20XX W01

    • Apply By Column: To apply the selected formatting to columns that contain numeric and week fields.
      • Column: Displays the columns in the report that can be formatted.

          • Format: Select one of the following week formats:
            • System Default: Displays the week using the default system preferences set by your Administrator.
            • Week of Jan 1 20XX
            • Week of Jan 1
            • 20XX W01