Delete a graph/chart

You can delete an existing graph/chart, provided you have the access rights to do so.

Note: The delete functionality is only available to you if you are the Administrator or the Report Creator.

Caution: When a graph/chart is deleted, all subscriptions to the graph/chart are also deleted.

  1. Do one of the following to delete an existing graph/chart:
    • From the Navigation menu, click located on the right of the graph/chart name you want to delete and click Delete. A confirmation window displays.
    • From an existing graph/chart, open the Main Menu bar and click . A confirmation window displays.
    • When the graph/chart has dependencies or is a widget on a dashboard they display in the dialog box.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click the dashboard hyperlink to open the dashboard that contains the widget.
    • Click Delete to permanently delete the graph/chart.
    • Click Cancel to return to the previous page.

    Note: If you delete a graph/chart that is a widget on a dashboard, the graph/chart is deleted from the dashboard.