Stacked-bar settings

You can customize a new or existing stacked-bar chart using the available setting options.

  1. Open the Main Menu bar and click .

  2. Click one of the following:

    • Settings: available only to the Administrator or the chart creator.

    • My Settings: available to users with access rights to review the chart.


Select one or more of the available report settings tabs:

Format tab

Use this tab to apply numeric and week formatting to the chart.

Select one of the following:

  • Apply to All Fields: To apply the selected formatting to all numeric and/or week fields in the graph/chart.

    • Type: Displays the type of fields that can be formatted:
      • Measures: Selections made in this row will be applied to numeric fields only.

        • Format: Select one of the following formatting option from the drop-down menu:
          • System Default: Displays the numeric fields using the default system preferences set by your Administrator.
          • Thousands: To format the numeric fields that have values in thousands.
          • Millions: To format the numeric fields that have values in millions.
        • Decimals: Select the number of digits to display after the decimal for numeric fields that have values in thousands and/or millions. For example, if you select Thousands and then type 3 in this field, the numeric fields that have values in thousands will display as XXX.XXX.
        • Abbreviation: Type the abbreviation for the numeric fields that have values in thousands and/or millions. For example, if you select Millions and then type M in this field, the numeric fields that have values in millions will display as XXXM.
      • Week: Selections made in this row will be applied to week fields only.
        • Format: Select one of the following week formats:
          • System Default: Displays the week using the default system preferences set by your Administrator.
          • Week of Jan 1 20XX
          • Week of Jan 1
          • 20XX W01
  • Apply By Column: To apply the selected formatting to data fields that contain numeric and week fields.

    • Column: Displays the data fields that can be formatted.
    • For numeric fields:
      • Format: Select one of the following formatting option from the drop-down menu:
        • System Default: Displays the numeric fields using the default system preferences set by your Administrator.
        • Thousands: To format the numeric fields that have values in thousands.
        • Millions: To format the numeric fields that have values in millions.
      • Decimals: Select the number of digits to display after the decimal for numeric fields that have values in thousands and/or millions. For example, if you select Thousands and then type 3 in this field, the numeric fields that have values in thousands will display as XXX.XXX.
      • Abbreviation: Type the abbreviation for the numeric fields that have values in thousands and/or millions. For example, if you select Millions and then type M in this field, the numeric fields that have values in millions will display as XXXM.
    • For week fields:
      • Format: Select one of the following week formats:
        • System Default: Displays the week using the default system preferences set by your Administrator.
        • Week of Jan 1 20XX
        • Week of Jan 1
        • 20XX W01

Stack tab

Select one or more of the desired Display Options. Depending on your choices the Additional Bar Graph Settings may differ.

  • Display Options:
    • 3D: Select this checkbox to display the chart in 3D.
    • Legend: Select the checkbox to display the legend on the chart. Clear the checkbox to hide the legend. By default, Legend is selected.
      • Legend Value: Select the checkbox to display the text and numeric legend values on the chart. Clear the checkbox to hide the legend values. By default, Legend Value is selected.
    • Show Total: Select this checkbox to display the grand total within the upper right corner of the chart.
    • Horizontal Bar: Select the checkbox to display bars vertically on the chart.
    • Values On Bars: Select the checkbox to display the total amount at the top of the data bar with a scale to adjust the vertical percentage from  0 - 90 on the chart.
    • Grid: Select this checkbox to display the grid layout on the chart. By default, Solid Lines is selected. You can customize your grid layout patterns by selecting any of the available options in the Grid Pattern box.
  • Stack Type: Select one of the following to display the Y-axis values:
    • Normal: Y-axis values are not displayed in percentages.
    • Percent: Displays the Y-axis values in percentages.
  • Order By: Select one of the following to customize the order of the labels and data values:
    • Label Ascending - this is the default
    • Label Descending
    • Aggregate Value Ascending
    • Aggregate Value Descending.
  • Order Stacks By: Select one of the following to customize the order of the stacks:
    • Value Ascending
    • Value Descending: This is the default

Overlay tab

  1. In the Display Format column, select one of the following options:
    • Line for the series that you want to display as a line.
    • Column for the series that you want to display as a column.
  2. Click the arrow in the Merge axis with column for the series that you want to merge and select a series to merge with from the available options. This functionality is useful when data is shown on two of the same axis.
  3. Click Save.

Display tab

  • Original Label Value: Select the checkbox next to the label you want to override and type the new label in the Override Value box.
  • Override Colors: Use this checkbox to override the colors on the chart. Select the checkbox and then click on the color and make a new color selection.
  • Enable Color Gradient: Select one of the following:
    • Yes: To display the colors on the chart in gradient instead of a solid color.
    • No: To display the colors on the chart in a solid color.

Permissions tab

  • Standard Template: Select whether or not to use the standard template.
  • Show in Upland WorkCenter: Select whether or not to display the report or graph/chart in Upland WorkCenter.
    • Yes: The report is available in Upland WorkCenter.
    • No: The report is not available in Upland Workcenter.
  • Report/Chart Visibility: Select one of the following:
    • Public: Allows your report or graph/chart to be viewed and edited by all users. By default, this option is selected.
    • Private: Allows your report or graph/chart to be viewed by you only.
    • Share: Allows you to set your report or graph/chart to be viewed by a specific user(s) or role(s) and give permissions. The Shared With field displays:
      1. Click the Select a value field and select the user(s) or user group(s) for whom you want to share your report or graph/chart with.
      2. Note: The roles display as follows: User Group Label (User Group Name).

      3. Click the arrow and select the permission for each user or role. The available options are:
        • Can edit and view: The default
        • Can view
      4. Click Add.

Note: Click Save at anytime to view your changes.

My Settings

Caution: The options available to you on the My Settings dialog box overwrite those that were set on the Settings dialog box by the Report Owner.

General tab

Select how numbers should be displayed on your graph/chart:

  1. Select one of the Currency Formatting options:
    • Inherited: Selected by default
    • With Decimals: 1,000.00
    • Without Decimals: 1,000
    • Thousands: 100,000.00 or 100,000
    • Thousands with decimals: 100.00
    • Millions: 1,000,000.00 or 1,000,000
    • Millions with decimals: 1.00
  2. Select one of the Volume Formatting options:
    • Inherited: Selected by default
    • With Decimals: 1,000.00
    • Without Decimals: 1,000
    • Thousands: 100,000.00 or 100,000
    • Thousands with decimals: 100.00
    • Millions: 1,000,000.00 or 1,000,000
    • Millions with decimals: 1.00
  3. Click Save settings to save your changes.