About Channels

The Upland AccuRoute server uses fax board channels to deliver outbound faxes and receive inbound faxes. You can configure the properties of each channel the Telco connector has detected. You can for example, add, remove, enable, and disable channels from the list of channels associated with the Telco connector.

The following information is displayed for each channel in the Channels option of the Telco connector's Properties dialog box.

  • Enabled - Displays whether or not the channel is enabled. To enable or disable a channel, click the check box in this column, or select the channel and click Properties.

  • Server - Displays the server on which the fax board is installed.

  • Type - Displays the type of board the channel is on (for example, a Brooktrout board).

  • Board - Displays the board number of the channel's fax board. The boards are numbered starting at 0 (zero), so the first board is number 0, the second is number 1, etc.

  • Channel - Displays the channel number.

  • Mode - Displays the run mode the channel is configured to use (send only, receive only, or send and receive).

  • Description - Displays a description of the board. For example: TR114 Analog Loop Start.

  • Detect Channels - Click this option to have the server detect the channels on the fax board. This action adds any channels that have been deleted. You can use this option to add channels from a new fax board, even if the fax board is on a different computer.

  • Properties - Click to configure or modify the properties of a channel. You can configure multiple channels at the same time by selecting the first channel, pressing CTRL and clicking each additional channel. For instructions, see Configuring general properties of a channel , Configuring receiving properties of a channel and Configuring sending properties of a channel

  • Delete  - Click to remove a channel from the list of channels available to the Telco connector. This does not remove the channel from the fax board.

Tip: If you want to temporarily make a channel unavailable to the Telco connector, try disabling it instead of deleting it. If you delete the channel, you will have to detect the channels on the fax board to add the channel back to the Telco connector.

See also

Configuring Channel Properties