Control File Guidelines

You can use the following guidelines to create a control file.

  • Use Notepad to create control files.

  • Enter a pound sign (#) before each keyword.

  • Keywords are not case-sensitive. However, Upland AccuRoute recommends that you use uppercase letter for your keywords so that you can identify them easily.

  • Separate a keyword and its value using a space ( ), colon (:), or equal sign (=). For example:

  • #keyword=value
    #keyword value
  • Lines beginning with a semicolon (;) or exclamation point (!) are ignored. If you need to add comments to your control file, use the semicolon at the beginning of the line.

  • Use a space to separate multiple values for a keyword. (If you provide multiple values for a keyword that supports only one value, the connector uses the last value.)

  • Include the #SENDER_EMAIL keyword with your e-mail address. The server uses this e-mail address to send a notification message if requested.

  • Include at least one recipient using the #RECIPIENT keyword. The recipient's e-mail address or fax number should be indicated using the #DESTINATION keyword. The following example shows two recipients.

    #RECIP_NAME John Smith
    #DESTINATION FAX 6035551234
    #RECIP_NAME Bob Jones
  • Include at least one attachment using the #ATTACHMENT keyword. (This applies to the Filescan connector but not to the SMTP connector.)

  • Save the control file as a text file with a .control extension for ASCII files (Notepad) or a .controlu extension for unicode files. Following are examples of valid file names.

  • mycontrolfile.control
  • Following are examples of invalid control file names:

  • mycontrolfile.txt

Note: If the connector cannot interpret the control file data because of an illegal parameter or syntax violation, the control file becomes invalid and the server cannot deliver your files.

See also

About Control Files

Control File Keywords List