About Xerox Connector Default Destination and Format
Xerox Connector Default Destination
When a document enters the
If your company uses an
If your company uses an
Xerox Connector Default Destination Format
The most common method of sending outbound faxes through the XeroxScan connector on the server is by using network scanning templates. If your company uses this method, you must select the default destination format in the XeroxScan connector properties.
Note: The default destination format pertains to the FaxNumber metadata field in the network scanning template. The FaxNumber field is required when you use network scanning templates to send faxes. (If your company sends faxes using the Network Fax configuration on the Xerox MFD, the default destination format does not apply.)
When processing an outbound fax, the XeroxScan connector analyzes the network scanning template and parses the data in the FaxNumber field. The default destination format (FAX, FAX*ECODE, FAX*ECODE*BILL, FAX*BILL, FAX*BILL*ECODE, or ECODE*FAX tells the XeroxScan connector how to parse the data in the FaxNumber field. While the field always indicates the destination fax number (FAX), it can optionally include the scan user's billing code (BILL) and (ECODE).
FAX, BILL, and ECODE have very specific functions in the process of sending outbound faxes:
FAX: This represents the destination fax number for the document being scanned. The destination format must always include FAX.
BILL: This represents the billing code for the document being scanned. Select a destination format setting that includes the billing code (FAX*ECODE*BILL, FAX*BILL, or FAX*BILL*ECODE) only if users routinely associate billing codes with faxes and if your company uses a cost recovery application.
ECODE: The ecode represents the scan user's DID number. When you select a Scanner Format setting that includes the ecode, the ecode enables the XeroxScan connector to determine the e-mail address of the scan user. There are several methods the XeroxScan connector uses to obtain the scan user's e-mail address for confirmation messages. One method is to identify the scan user's ecode and look up the scan user's e-mail address using the lookup configuration in the XeroxScan connector properties. (In order for the DID lookup to be successful, users in your company must have DID numbers, and these DID numbers must be available in your company's Global Address List or Active Directory.) Select a destination format setting that includes the scan user's ecode (FAX*ECODE, FAX*ECODE*BILL, FAX*BILL*ECODE, or ECODE*FAX) if users are not required to log on to the Xerox MFD, or if you are not using a network scanning template that prompts the document sender to provide an e-mail address.
Determine the information that should be included in the FaxNumber field in the network scanning template. (Use the guidelines above.)
Select the appropriate destination format setting in the XeroxScan connector defaults. For instructions, see Configuring Xerox connector defaults.
Modify the network scanning template, and include a label for the FaxNumber field that describes the information you want the scan user to provide. (For example, if you want scan users to enter the destination fax number and their personal DID number, choose a label for the field that illustrates the syntax such as <fax number>*<your DID number>. Choose terminology that is familiar to most scan users in your company.)
Specify how the scan user must enter the information. For example, if you're using the destination format setting FAX*ECODE, the scan user must enter information in the same format, such as: 8901957*465.
Note: If the scan user cannot provide some of the information required by the destination format, the scan user should maintain the destination format syntax, and omit the information that cannot be provided. For example, if the scan user does not have an ecode or does not know the ecode, he should maintain the required syntax but omit the ecode (for example, 8901957*).
See also
Upland AccuRoute Server, Fax and XeroxScan Connector
Configuring Xerox Connector Defaults
About XeroxScan Connector Network Scanning Templates
Adding a XeroxScan Connector Repository