
While unsubscribe lists provide a flexible means of managing recipients, sometimes it is necessary to completely prevent delivery to a particular address.

Suppression blocks delivery for all launches in the account to any email addresses or domains you add to the table.

With support for SHA-3 and MD5 hash suppression, our system also alleviates the burden of handling client data after suppression alongside preventing their data from being compromised.

  • There is no size limit to the suppression list. However, large lists may have a detrimental effect on the speed of your launches.

  • Contacts that have been suppressed will appear in the 'Not Attempted' section of the campaign report as previously unsubscribed.

Viewing the suppression table

  1. Hover over the admin icon in the navigation menu to expand the menu.

  2. Select suppression from the list of admin options.

The suppression table lists the email addresses and domains being suppressed along with the ID, data type,. date created, and owner.

The functions above the table allow you to:

Edit suppression table options

  1. Press the table options button to open a dialog window with checkboxes to:

    • Select which columns are visible in the table.

    • Select which columns are included in the CSV output when you press the download button.

  2. Check or uncheck the boxes as required and press save.

Note: An ID column will appear in your exports regardless of whether it is checked in the options; however, it will not have a column header when unchecked.

Add a new entry to the table

  1. Press the create suppression button above the table to open the new suppression form.

  2. Select an import type: single, multiple, or CSV upload.

  3. Enter your import details. These will depend on your chosen import type, as detailed below.

    • If you upload multiple contacts or use a CSV file you will be notified of the import's completion and given reports on the number of data types successfully suppressed.

  4. Press the save button to add your new suppression to the table and return to the suppression page.

    Single import

    1. Use the radio buttons to select an address format:

      • Email - an email address in plain text.

      • Domain - an email domain in plain text, e.g.

      • SHA-3-256 - an email address as a SHA-3-256 hash in hexadecimal format.

      • MD5 - an email address as a MD5 hash in hexadecimal format.

    2. In the text box, enter an address in your chosen format.

    Multiple import

    1. In the text box, enter the addresses to suppress.

      • Enter each value on a new line.

      • The field will accept plain text email addresses, domains, SHA-3 hashed strings, and MD5 hashed strings.

    CSV import

    1. Press the choose file button to open an import window.

    2. Browse your device for the CSV file to upload and press the open button.

      • The CSV must contain the column heading 'email'.

      • Records can be plain text email addresses, domains, SHA-3 and MD5 hashed strings.

SHA-3 suppression support

Our suppression system supports SHA-3 hashes of lower case email addresses, in hexadecimal format, for the import and export of contact data. It means users don't need to worry about handling personal contact data after suppression, whilst also ensuring that contact's plain text email addresses are not compromised.

We also support MD5 hashes (though this is generally for those using it as a legacy) and continue to support plain text email addresses and domains. Support for SHA-3 is an ESPC recommendation and will become widely used by ESPs and others.

  • Ability to add SHA-3 hashes of a lower case email in hexadecimal format to global suppression list
  • Able to Export SHA-3 suppression data
  • Alleviates burden of personal data handling after suppression
  • Recommended by the ESPC
  • Aids data compliance
  • Integration with other systems that support SHA-3
Input SHA-3-256 Hash 7cd698bd6e23acf61d7dd4cc953fd6702ba2d7c752a23eedfb70c48a2766382b