Event Match
The Event Match category allows you to create rules to match contacts' activity from previous campaigns. For example, a filter can be applied to a list to select contacts that have clicked on a particular campaign.
On this page:
Rule Types
To create the rule, firstly select 'Event Match' from the Rule Category drop-box, and then the Rule Type drop-box will be displayed.
- Click: matches contacts who have previously clicked on a tracked link
- Opened: matches contacts who have previously opened, including anyone who has clicked on a share link or viewed the simple version
- Sent Campaign: matches contacts who have previously been sent to
- Bounce: matches contacts who have previously bounced
- Reply: matches those who have replied to the selected campaign
- Unsubscribe: matches contacts who have previously opted out from receiving any further email communication using an 'Unsubscribe' link
- Complaint: matches contacts who have previously used the 'Mark as spam' function within popular email clients, for example Hotmail and Yahoo
- Shared: matches contacts who have previously shared a copy of your campaign or a link from your campaign using a share link
- Previously Bounced: matches contacts classed as previously bounced, when Adestra has received 3 or more errors back, over a period of at least 15 days, with not one successful delivery
- Form Click: matches contacts who have previously clicked on a form link
- Form Submit: matches contacts who have previously submitted a form
- Conversion: matches contacts who have triggered a conversion
- Link Label: matches contact who have previously clicked on a Link Label
- Click URL: matches contacts who have previously clicked on a particular URL link
Selecting Object Type
All event rules require you to select the object type, which allows you to choose where the events are taken from.
Clicking the 'Select Object' button will open the account tree, from which you can choose the entire account, a whole workspace or project, or an individual campaign, down to a particular launch. This will look for events in the selected object only.
If launches are older than the data retention period set on your account they will be hidden by default. You can check the box "Include archived" to display these - however they will be greyed out and unavailable for use with the filter, as event data associated to that launch will have been archived.
Date Restriction
We recommend you add a date restriction to the filter, to only select events within a certain time period, or you can just add either a start or end date. This is so that you can work within your Data Retention period and avoid searching for event data that is not accessible to your account.
This can be based on the launch date or the event date:
- Launch date: refers to the date that the launch was sent
- Event date: is when the event took place, for example, the date the contact clicked.
Alternatively you can leave the date options at the default 'No Date' and all events according to the object type will be selected.
Note: If you are working with a lot of data, an event date filter is likely to run considerably slower than a launch date filter. This is because we have database indexes set up for the /launch_id/ in the eventlog table (as every event is associated with a launch).
Date Options
There are two date options you can select from the drop-down box, either 'Fixed Date' or '"Today's" Date', refer to the Date Options topic for help defining dates.
Additional Information
Some rule types require additional information. For example the 'Form Click' and 'Form Submit' rules require you to enter the form ID. Similarly, a 'Conversion' rule will require you to enter the conversion tag you wish the filter to match, and a 'Click URL' rule will require you to enter a specific URL. In the case of 'Click URL', this will need to be a full URL, for example http://www.adestra.com.
Remember to click the 'Save Filter' button in the bottom left hand corner, or the filter will not be saved if you navigate away from the Campaign Data page.
Using campaign tags as filter
Note: This is an On Demand feature. If you would like more information about this feature, contact your account manager.
There could be multiple campaigns within an account, a project, or a workspace. These campaigns can have different campaign tags as per the requirement.
To filter the contacts within an object according to the campaigns received with specific tags, enter the campaign tag.
This filter is available for the account, project, and workspace object types.
In the following image, the filter will only fetch contacts which are in Project-55 and have received campaigns with the tag Sale.
Things to consider while using campaign tags in filter:
The tagging filter is not case-sensitive.
If no Campaign Tag is provided the filter works as default.
Make sure the spelling of the campaign tag matches the tag spelling in the campaigns.
You can provide only one campaign tag in a filter query.