Export Manager

The Export Manager allows you to create an export task which can fetch event data or summary data generated by activity on your campaigns. You can create multiple export tasks for different types of data sets such as event history, contact information, or customer device and location. You can also schedule regular exports and run multiple exports simultaneously.

The export data can be sent via email, or delivered directly to your organisation FTP or SFTP server.

You can also set up custom data exports for analysis or integration into other systems like Salesforce.

To access Export Manager, in your Workspace, select Data > Export Manager. A list of existing exports in the current workspace appears on the Export Manager landing page.

Data exports can be sent via email, or delivered directly to your organisation FTP or SFTP server.

Types of Export tasks:

Campaign Data Export

The Campaign Data Export allows you to fetch the detailed data for event history, contact information, or device and location of a campaign. The data can be extracted with respect to multiple parameters like fields in the campaign, events of the reader on the campaign for an entire account or a particular workspace within the account.

Following are the different types of data exports that you can create:

  • Event History: Event History exports contain one record for each event that has occurred, meaning one contact may appear several times, depending on their activity. For example, if a contact clicks on a number of links, in the same email, each click would be represented as a row in the export. This export type will also allow you to include additional information against each event, for example, a click through feed can show each URL clicked.
  • Contact: Contact exports contain one record per contact, regardless of how many events they have triggered, meaning that there is no duplication of contacts within the export. For example, a contact who has clicked a link five times will only appear in the feed once.
  • Device & Location: Device & Location exports contain one record for each open within the selected data source. There is no dedupe on this export, which means every open will be counted as an individual export.
  • List: Schedule the contents of a list/dynamic list/unsub list to be exported to an SFTP in CSV format via the export manager.
  • Unsub List: Schedule the contents of a list/dynamic list/unsub list to be exported to an SFTP in CSV format via the export manager.

Note: List and Unsub List are On Demand features. If you would like more information about these features, please email your account manager on adestra_account.management@uplandsoftware.com.

Campaign Summary Export

The campaign summary export allows you to fetch the summary report of a campaign to a particular level of the campaign. The campaign summary can be fetched for events in the campaign for data sources.

Following are the different levels of summary export:

  • Campaign report: campaign id and campaign name
  • Workspace report: workspace id and workspace name
  • Project report: project id and project name
  • Launch report: launch id and campaign name
  • Account report: 'Account report' label