Export Events

Events are generated from launches and the subsequent contact activity.

You can be specific with which event types a contact needs to trigger in order to appear in your export. The selected events appear in the events list.

If no events are selected, export data for all event type is exported by default.

Note: exporting all events generates a lot of data. Make sure that you select an export delivery method that can handle a large quantity of data.

Event Types

Event Syntax Description
Address Change inbound_addresschange Messages sent by the mail server requesting that an out-of-date email address be updated
Blocked inbound_blocked Messages sent by the receiving mail server indicating that the email has been blocked by their spam filter
Click click Recipients who have clicked on a link within the email content
Clicked Simplified Version simpleversion_click Recipients who have clicked the simplified version link
Clicked Webversion webversion_click Recipients who have clicked the webversion version link
Conversion conversion Recipients who have triggered a conversion
Flame inbound_flame Replies from angry recipients, flagged if they contain profanities
Globally Suppressed suppressed_global Recipients who have been suppressed across all of Adestra
Inbound Unsubscribe inbound_unsubscribe When a recipient unsubscribes as a result of replying with "unsubscribe", or clicking a list unsubscribe link in an email client
Inbox inbound_not_detected Messages from recipients who have replied directly to the campaign
Invalid Domain inbound_domain When the domain or the company do not exist
Invalid User inbound_user When the user does not exist at the domain
Known Bounce known_bounce When Adestra has received 3 or more- errors back, over a period of at least 15 days, with not one successful delivery
Open Form form_click Recipients who have clicked on a form link
Open Form Builder Form form_builder_click Recipients who have clicked on a link within a form built using the form builder
Other Bounce inbound_bounce Where the recipient’s server has returned a message to Adestra without giving an explanation of why the email will not be delivered
Out of Office inbound_ooo Automated messages sent to say that the recipient will not receive the email for a specified period of time
Over Quota inbound_quota When the recipient’s inbox is full
Read Email read When an email is opened
Sent campaign sent_campaign Recipients who have been sent the campaign
Shared shared Recipients who have shared a copy of your campaign or a link from your campaign using a social network
SMS Delivered sms_delivered SMS message has been delivered
SMS Send sms_send SMS message has been sent
SMS Send Failed sms_failed SMS message send was attempted but failed
SMS Send Rejected sms_rejected SMS message rejected by vendor or due to invalid number
SMS Send Suppressed sms_suppressed SMS send was suppressed
SMS Suppressed by Frequency sms_suppressed_frequency SMS message was suppressed for surpassing frequency settings
SMS Suppressed by Known Bounce sms_suppressed_undeliverable SMS message was suppressed for being on known bounce list
SMS Unsubcribe sms_unsub Recipient unsubscribed from SMS message
SMS Send Prevented sms_duplicate Duplicate number found in launch so send prevented
Spam button reports complaint Recipients who have used the 'Mark as spam' function within popular email clients, for example Hotmail and Yahoo
Submit form submit Recipients who have submitted a form
Submit Form Builder form form_builder_submit Recipients who have submitted a form that was built using the form builder
Subscribed subscribe_click Recipients who have been added to a list via a form submission
Suppressed suppressed Recipients who are on the unsub or suppression lists associated with the campaign launch
Suppress Frequency suppressed_frequency Recipients who have been suppressed by a Frequency Profile
Suppressed Locally suppressed_local Recipients who have been suppressed across the account
Temporary Notice inbound_nonfatal Messages sent to inform the sender that deliver is still being attempted, but a temporary problem has been encountered
Undeliverable undeliverable Malformed email addresses classed as undeliverable
Unsubscribe unsubscribe_click Recipients who have opted out from receiving any further email communication
Tip: you can apply additional conditions that must be met by the contact in order to trigger some events. For example, the Submit Form event can be further refined to only include clicks on a specific form.