Tutorial: Create From Table

The Create From Table function lets you automatically build your form, using fields from core and data tables available to the form. This can help speed up the process of creating the necessary fields for your form.

This tutorial will go through the steps of populating a form with elements using the Create from Table function.

Step 1: Initial Setup

Follow the Initial Setup guide to provide the basic details required for your form.

Step 2: Click Create From Table

When at the Form Overview, click 'Create From Table'. A pop-up of available Core and Data tables will be displayed.

Step 3: Select Table Fields

In the pop-up, choose the table fields you want to create form elements for, such as: email, first name, surname.

Click okay for these to be applied to your form.

Step 4: Re-Order

The way in which fields are listed in the form overview are how their order in the Form itself. You can re-order these by dragging an element to the desired position.

You must click 'Save order' to continue.

Step 5: Change Element Types

The Create from Table function will default all elements to text boxes. Apart from the email field, which will be pre-configured as the email element.

If you want to change the element type, you can do so by clicking on the specific element and then 'Change Element Type'.

A pop-up will display the different element types for you to change it too. Choose and click okay.

Step 6: Provide Element Details

Once you have selected the new element type, you will be asked to provide its details.

These details will differ, dependent on the element chosen. To see what each element requires please see a specific element.

Step 7: Add Elements or Finish

Once you have managed the elements created from a core or data table, you can continue to add more elements. Maybe some static elements to distinguish sections of your form, and the purpose for providing the information you've asked for.

Or, you can finish, if you're satisfied with your form.

Remember to check it in the Preview tab to see what it will look like.

Where Next?

Why not take a look into the other form elements available and what they can do. Or maybe delve into validation, the differing form actions and how to apply them.