Benchmark Reporting
Note: This is an On Demand feature. If you would like more information about this feature, contact your account manager.
Industry Benchmark figures indicate campaign performance and success compared to campaign averages across account, workspace or project. The Benchmark Reporting is shown as a measurement gauge—indicating a positive or negative comparison with your selected industry benchmark.
Note: These benchmarks are based on Adestra's clients in that industry.
On this page:
Benchmark Options
You can set the industry benchmark by which you would like to compare your results, using the drop-down box underneath each report.
The gauge will be shown underneath each category total, a thumbs up or thumbs down will identify how successful your results are in comparison to the industry you have selected. Hovering over this will display the average percentage that your results are measured against.
As with all our reports you can also select a date range, and also review results between workspaces, projects and campaigns.
Benchmark Data Table
You can select the 'Benchmark' radio button above the data table to view the benchmark figures against the raw data from your report. The benchmark data will be displayed, as in the reporting above it, using a gauge. This gives you a visual comparison for your raw data against the selected benchmark.

For more information on how Adestra reports on email activity and how it is broken down to a granular level, see the Reporting topic.