Summary Report
The Summary report is an overview of the activity for your campaign. From this page you can apply a filter to the reports, to display information for launches within a specific date range.
The date selector will default to 'All time' and the reports will display statistics for all of the campaign launches. You can refine the date range using the drop-down box, and each report will display data for launches covered within that period.
On this page:
Launch Results
- Attempted: the total number of unique contacts sent per launch.
- Not Attempted: the total number of recipients that were not sent to. Adestra will not attempt to send to email addresses that have previously bounced, previously unsubscribed or that are undeliverable.
- Delivered: the total number of recipients that Adestra attempted to send to, minus the 'Bounced'.
- Bounced: the total number of recipients who did not receive the attempted send. This means that Adestra has received an error message from the recipients' mail server to say that the email could not be delivered. (For more on the reasons emails bounce, see the Bounces topic.)
- Blocked: the total number of communications that were marked as spam; this is also available to view in the inbound reporting. (At Summary report level the Blocked metric is OnDemand)
Not Attempted Breakdown
Underneath the 'Not Attempted' count is a 'why?' link, which expands to display a breakdown of the statistic.

- Previously bounced: Email addresses are classed as previously bounced when Adestra has received 3 or more hard bounces, over a period of at least 15 days, without a successful delivery.
- Previously unsubscribed: Contacts who were not sent a copy of the campaign because their email addresses appear on the campaign's unsubscribe or suppression lists, due to their previously unsubscribing or triggering a complaint.
- Undeliverable: A malformed email address, one that does not follow the syntactical rules of This is rare as Adestra automatically checks for this on import to a list.
Note: To browse those contacts, click the number of contacts next to each category.
Campaign Activity
The lower half of the report displays the delivered emails, broken down by activity.
- Opened: the number of emails opened. An open is counted when a recipient opens the email. Many mail clients will block images by default, and the open will not register unless the user chooses to display the images. However if they click on a link without enabling the images, this will count as an open.
- Complained: the number of recipients who have used the 'Mark as spam' function within popular email clients, for example Hotmail and Yahoo.
- Clicked: the number of recipients who also clicked on a link within the email content
- Unsubscribed: the number of recipients who have opted out from receiving any further email communication. This figure only includes recipients who have unsubscribed directly from a link in a campaign.
- Shared: the number of recipients who have shared a copy of your campaign or a link from your campaign using a social network.
- Converted: the number of recipients who have triggered a conversion. A conversion could be a purchase, registration or other target of your campaign.
This section also displays the 'Create follow-up to non-openers' button, which provides you with a simple way to resend your campaigns to recipients who haven't opened. For more information, including how to launch them automatically, refer to Follow Up Campaigns topic.
Reports display statistics for one or more launches. All the individual launches will be listed below the summary, along with some top-line statistics for each. Clicking a launch will display a report for that launch alone, or launches can be filtered by date using the date range selector at the top of the report.
Why doesn't the report show all of the relevant contacts when I browse them in the data viewer?
If a campaign has multiple launches to lists associated with different core tables, the report will only display contacts in the data viewer for the list currently assigned to the campaign.
My attempted reporting doesn't match the amount of campaigns sent, what's happening?
The definition of attempted is "the total number of unique contacts sent per launch." This does not take into account multiple sends of the same campaign to the same email address, so if a contact has received the same campaign multiple times they are still only one unique contact.