Plan Overview: Account Summary

The Account Summary panel on the Overview tab is where you go to focus on a single row in the opportunity plan, and get its key details.

Just select the plan row you're interested in.

Note: The value format set on the opportunity map determines the value format used in this panel.

  • Accessing Maps

  • The Go to Relationships and Go to Insights buttons give access to the relationship map and insight map associated with the account.

  • Opportunities Tiles
  • The total value and number of potential, current and won opportunities associated with the selected account. The Won Opportunities tile represents opportunities closed for the account in the current quarter and the quarter that preceded it.

  • Targeted Tile
  • Here you can set whether the selected account is targeted.

  • Segmentation Tile
  • The account's market segmentation setting.

  • Opportunities Tab

    The top three most valuable current opportunities and potential opportunities that you have access to on the account.

    Note that only opportunities for the specified account are shown here - opportunities for accounts that are grouped with the selected account are not included.

  • If your org is multicurrency, amounts are shown in both the opportunity currency and your corporate or user currency. The corporate or user currency is shown in brackets (as shown in the example below).

  • Key Players Tab
  • Important relationship information and insights owned by key players in the selected account. Click an insight to open the account insight map with that insight selected.

  • Division A division is typically a smaller service unit or business unit within an account. By providing the same features as an account (row on the opportunity map, relationship map, insight map, etc.), divisions allow you to accurately map your customers' buying structures, without restriction to Salesforce Account records. Manager Tab

    View, create, rename and delete divisions associated with the selected account. Click on Go to Relationships to go to the relationship map of the relevant division or Go to Insights to visit the insight map.

    To rename a division, hover over its Division A division is typically a smaller service unit or business unit within an account. By providing the same features as an account (row on the opportunity map, relationship map, insight map, etc.), divisions allow you to accurately map your customers' buying structures, without restriction to Salesforce Account records. Name and click the pencil icon that appears.

    Caution: If you delete a division, it is removed from all plans (Account Manager plans and account plans) and is no longer available for selection when you are creating a new plan. The deleted division's insight map and relationship map data are no longer available.

    Tip: To merge two divisions (A and B for example), you should do the following:

Note: If the Opportunities tab is not loading, it may be because your Salesforce org does not have a custom Fiscal Year for the current year. This allows Salesforce to define the LAST_FISCAL_QUARTER and THIS_FISCAL_QUARTER as outlined in this Salesforce developer resource page. Speak to your Salesforce administrator regarding this issue.