How to Test Your Components
Use the Pipeline Testing page to test your configured pipelines.
This page enables you to confirm stages are configured correctly and the expected output properties are returned.
- Test Target
- Test the whole configuration: Test all enabled pipelines
- Test a specific pipeline: Only test the selected pipeline from the dropdown list
- Test a specific component: Select the component you wish to test from the drop-down list
- Skip trigger: If the selected component uses triggers (for example, Microsoft Text Analytics) check this option to ignore triggers
- Skip trigger: If the selected component uses triggers (for example, Microsoft Text Analytics) check this option to ignore triggers
- Recorded Data
- Select Pre-Recorder Component Data:
- If you previously captured test data using the Recordercomponent select the captured .xml file from the dropdown list
- If you previously captured test data using the Recordercomponent select the captured .xml file from the dropdown list
- Select Pre-Recorder Component Data:
- Paste Raw Text Data:
- If you do not want to use pre-recorded data type a sample text in the text box or drag and drop a file which will be used for testing
- If you do not want to use pre-recorded data type a sample text in the text box or drag and drop a file which will be used for testing
- Log level:
- The Testing page also displays logging info after running the test.
- Select the desired log level from the drop-down (Error, Warning, Info or Debug)
- Start Test: Run the test using the selected data.
Output Example
- Input Properties:
- The input properties sent to be processed by the components
- Output Properties:
- Output properties returned by the component and their respective values
- Log:
- Logging information
- Logging information