How to Configure Your Solr Stand Alone Target

The following topics describe how to create a Solr target in Connectivity Hub.

For more information about Targets, see What is a Target?

How to Create a New Target

To add the Solr Integration target, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Connectivity Hub Target page.
    1. Select New Target.
  2. The Load Target dialog appears.
  3. Select Solr as the target from the drop-down menu. Scroll down if you do not see your target.

  4. Enter a Target Title on the Target info tab.
  5. Select your desired options on the General Settings tab.
    1. Allow items with no extension.
      1. Not selected by default.
      2. If selected, will allow items with no (null) value in the file extension property to be indexed.
    2. File Types to include.
      1. Empty by default, which will include all file types.
      2. You can provide a list of file extensions that should be included.
      3. Use a comma separated list.
      4. Do not include the period ('.') as part of the file extension.
      5. Example: doc,docx,ppt,pptx,xls,xlsx
        1. Allows MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files with the above extensions.
    3. File Types to exclude.
      1. Empty by default, which allows all file types.
      2. You can provide a list of file extensions to not crawl:
        1. Use a comma separated list
        2. Do not include the period ('.') as part of the file extension.
          1. Example: css,js,xml
          2. This example blocks style sheets, JavaScript, and exml files (with the extensions shown) from being crawled.
    4. Number of Sync Threads.
      1. This value is the number of threads per Connectivity Hub scheduler to be allocated to any crawl that uses this Target.
  6. Click the "Custom Settings" tab. Complete the Solr settings:
    1. Login.
      1. If Solr is secured with basic security, provide the username here. (Leave empty if no security.)
    2. Password.
      1. If Solr is secured with basic security, provide the password here. (Leave empty if no security.)
    3. Solr Address.  The base address to your Solr instance.
      • For Example, if your Solr admin can be reached at:
        • then your base address is:
    4. Connection Timeout 
      • Default value (if nothing is entered in this field) is 30 seconds. 
      • Use this setting to extend the length of time Connectivity Hub waits for a response when attempting to connect to Solr.
  7. Click Save.