How to Override Item level Security Using ACL Scripting

Access Control List Scripts

Common usage scenarios include providing access to public or approved documents.

  • Use this operation with content such as:

    • Secure SQL-based content

    • Documentum content

    • Template content

  • You can also see this field in the Content Services > Advanced tab when you select WebService Content.

To access the ACL Script field where you can enter your script, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Content Source > Edit > Advanced.

  2. Scroll down to see the Filter script and ACL script boxes.
  3. Enter your script using the information that is in this section.
  4. Compile: Click to validate and use your script.

Tip: If you choose Edit in designer, a text editor appears that lets you enter and compile your script.
For a list of available access control scripts, functions and description of them, see Security Scripts and Functions.