About the Kaltura connector

Kaltura is a video platform as a service (VPAAS) that provides software and services for creating, managing, and distributing video content. The kaltura connector is a web-service connector that allows you to crawl content that is uploaded to the Kaltura platform to index media files and metadata Provides context with details such as the source, type, owner, and relationships to other data sets. Metadata provides details around the item being crawled by Connectivity Hub. into your search engine.


The Kaltura connector supports the following features:

  • Selecting types of content to crawl: You can specify the type of metadata content that you want to be retrieved during a crawl. The supported types include category, media (image, audio, video, live stream), and playlist. For more information on configuring this feature, see <link>.

  • Filtering crawls by category: You can specify a Kaltura objects category or channel ID to filter crawls to only include objects with matching ids. For more information on configuring this feature, see Install and configure the Kaltura connector.


The security information for Kaltura content is not retrieved. All content is marked as public.


Note the following limitations with the Kaltura connector: