About the Veeva Vault Connector


BA Insight’s Veeva Vault Connector securely indexes both the full text and metadata Provides context with details such as the source, type, owner, and relationships to other data sets. Metadata provides details around the item being crawled by Connectivity Hub. of Veeva Vault objects into SharePoint’s search engine, as well as Azure Search and Elasticsearch.

Note: When upgrading from version or lower to version 1.0.7-6977 or higher, you must click "Connect" or "Refresh Web Service" for the new configuration options to appear.

See more details under the FAQ: "My Connector is Not Showing the Correct (New Version) Settings."


The BA Insight Veeva Vault connector honors Veeva Vault security in determining which documents users can access.


Performance and Throttling

API Calls

The connector consumes the following API calls at indexing time:

  • 1 call per 1000 supporting documents (both full or incremental)
  • 1 call per 1000 docs enumerated (both full or incremental)
  • 1 call for deleted documents on incremental crawls Scanning and capturing only new data from all of your content sources. This data did not exist when the last crawl was run.
  • 1 call for retired documents on full crawl
  • 3 to 7 calls per item indexed
    • 1 call for the metadata
    • 1 call for the file binary
    • 1 call for the roles
    • 1 call for all record attachments
    • Up to 2 calls for security ACLs (information is cached)
  • Minimum number of calls for each item: 3

    • 1 call for item metadata

    • 1 call for item content

    • 1 call for item roles

  • There are 4 other possible calls:

    • 1 is a fallback to get the document version from Veeva if both the in-memory and on-disk caches are lost

    • 1 is a fallback to get the reference field name values if both the in-memory and on-disk caches are lost
    • 1 is if the security cache is empty

    • 1 is if the item has attachments

For the Security Sync Loads User and Group tables and executes the mapping based on the connector configuration. Job:

  • 1 call per 1,000 users enumerated
  • 1 call per 1,000 groups enumerated