Configure the Teams Connector

  • All BA Insight connectors share a number of common configuration options.

  • This section describes only settings specific to this particular connector.

  • For step-by-step instructions on how to configure a connector, please refer to Connectivity Hub online help.

Required Configuration Settings


  1. Open the Connectivity Hub administration site.

  2. Edit the Teams web service connector to configure it with the values specified below.

  3. The connector Web service URL has the following form:

    Note: If you changed the port during connector set up, use the value you specified instead.
  4. Enter connector login credentials into the Certificate and Password fields.
    The connector supports certificate authentication only.

    1. Certificate field should contain certificate distinguished name. 

      1. Example: CN=myserver.mydomain.local, CN=BA Insight Teams Connector


      You must ensure you enter your certificate information in the same way it's stored in the certificate:

      • For self-signed certificates generated by script provided by BA Insight:
        • Use Subject value from the script output exactly as it's formatted
      • For other certificates (or if the script output is lost):

      Note: Extra (or missing) spaces in this field may cause the connector to fail finding the certificate.

    2. Password field should contain Azure application ID.

      1. Example: 80884187-a95a-4559-8b69-6b59faa0e52d

  5. Office 365 Tenant: put your Office 365 tenant URL into this field.

    • Example:

  6. Content Owner: An account in the format supported by the target A Target is a "pointer" to a specific instance of a search application, such as Elasticsearch. - (A Search application instance has one or more indexes) directory configured

Optional Configuration Settings

You can configure the following optional settings to add more functionality to your Microsoft Teams connector:

  1. Teams Visibility Filter: Specify what types of Teams you want to crawl:

    • Only public

    • Only private

    • Both

  2. Disable Security: Enable this checkbox to ignore Microsoft Teams security and mark all content ad public.

  3. Exclude Profile Pictures: Enable this checkbox to exclude Microsoft Teams profile pictures and messages from crawls. Enabling this field can help improve the performance of connector crawl jobs.

  4. Message Conversion XSLT: Specify an XSLT transformation which is used to convert a chat message (with replies) to HTML format. The transformation operates on the following XML documents

        <Body><![CDATA[Message body in HTML or TEXT format]]></Body>
                <Body><![CDATA[First message reply body in HTML or TEXT format]]></Body>
                <Body><![CDATA[Last message reply body in HTML or TEXT format]]></Body>

    Content of Attachment XML element is an XML representation of chatMessageAttachment resource type in Graph API.

  5. Custom Filters:

    1. Specify filters for the teams to include.

    2. Every line defines one filter
      Filter line format:

      TEAM=<regular expression which matches team name(s)>

      Note: Full Crawl is required if this filter is changed.

  6. To exclude results matching a filter, prefix the filter line with a dash ('-'). 

  7. Filtering is not case sensitive

    1. Examples:

      1. To return only teams starting with TEST:

      1. To return only teams ending with TEST:

  8. More information on regular expression syntax is available here: Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference

Note: A full crawl is required if this filter is changed. For the custom filter to take effect, you must run a Datastores Load job Collects the logical division of your data (data stores) from the source system. Runs on a schedule Logs information according to log level set with the Subtractive Sync setting enabled. To enable this setting, open the Teams connector in Connectivity Hub, click the Datastore Sync Settings tab, and ensure that the Subtractive Sync checkbox is selected.