How to Configure the Connector

All BA Insight connectors share a number of common configuration options.

This section describes only settings specific to this particular connector.

For step-by-step instructions on how to configure a connector, please refer to Connectivity Hub help or Connector Framework help.

Required Configuration Settings

  1. The connector Web service URL uses the following format:

    • http://<YourMachineName>:2837/dataconnector.asmx

    Note: If you changed the port during connector set up, use the value you specified instead.
  2. Enter connector login credentials into the Certificate and Password fields.
    The connector supports certificate authentication only.

    1. Certificate field must contain certificate distinguished name. 

      Example: CN=myserver.mydomain.local, CN=BA Insight Azure Blob Connector

      You must ensure you enter your certificate information in the same way it's stored in the certificate:

      • For self-signed certificates generated by script provided by BA Insight, use Subject value from the script output exactly as it's formatted
      • For other certificates (or if the script output is lost), follow the rules listed in How to Determine the Certificate Distinguished Name section

      Note that extra (or missing) spaces in this field may cause the connector to fail finding the certificate.

    2. Password field contains the Azure application ID.

    3. Example80884187-afar-4559-8b69-6b59faa0e52d

  3. Storage Account Resource ID: 
    1. To find your Storage Account Resource ID, follow the instructions under Get service endpoint for the storage account in the Microsoft documentation.
  4. Tenant Name:
    1. You can find this in Azure Portal by going to Azure Active Directory An identity and access management solution from Microsoft that helps organizations secure and manage identities for hybrid and multicloud environments.. For more information, see Find tenant name and tenant ID in Azure Active Directory B2C in the Microsoft documentation.

Optional Configuration Settings