How to Set Up and Configure Your Google Drive Connector
All BA Insight connectors can be downloaded from the Upland Right Answers Portal under Knowledge > BA Insight > Product Downloads > Connectors. This connector is installed with the same generic steps as any BA Insight connector. You must satisfy the Prerequisites for your connector before installing. The configuration specifics are detailed below.
Authorize Connector
- On the server where the Google Drive connector is installed, navigate to: http://localhost: <port number>/OAuth Specifies a process for resource owners to authorize third-party access to their server resources without providing credentials..aspx
- <port number>: The port number that you selected during the Connector installation.
- Default is 1173.
- If you changed the port number, ensure it matches the port number used when registering a Redirect URI
- <port number>: The port number that you selected during the Connector installation.
- Enter the Client Secret and Client ID obtained when you registered your credentials.
- Click Authorize to start the authorization process.
- You are redirected to the Google Consent screen.
- Click Allow and log in with the username that will be used for indexing.
- The user that is granted access to the app does not need to be the Admin user, they only need to have access to the Shared Drives.
- The user that is granted access to the app does not need to be the Admin user, they only need to have access to the Shared Drives.
- If the authorization is successful, a success screen displays.
Connection Configuration
- In Connectivity Hub, create a new web service connection.
- Complete the following fields on the General Settings tab:
- Client ID: Enter the client ID obtained when registering credentials
- Domain: Enter your Google Drive domain.
You can run a Datastores Load Collects the logical division of your data (data stores) from the source system. Runs on a schedule Logs information according to log level set task to obtain a list of all available Shared Drives.