Edit an Application Policy

Application Policies determine how users are allowed to interact with the Eclipse PPM application as a whole. They are often reserved for users that are expected to be more than just Resources on Projects and Tasks, such as administrators. Members of these policies will be given the ability to interact with Eclipse PPM components outside of specific Projects.

Once created, administrators can edit Application Policies at any time.

Note: Users must logout and back into Eclipse PPM in order to receive any updated permissions. Be sure to notify them once you save your policy.

Tip: If you are only interested in editing the members list of an Application Policy, see this page instead.


To edit an Application Policy:

Before You Start: Users require the "Users Administration" permission from an Application Policy to edit Application Policies.

  1. Select the Administration icon from the Icon Bar.

  2. Select Policies from the "Security" menu.

  3. Select the drop-down button of the Application Policy you would like to edit.

  4. Select Edit Policy.

  5. Edit the Application Policy. Select which component(s) you would like to edit to learn more:

  6. Select the Save button.

After selecting Save, your changes to the policy will be saved to Eclipse PPM.

Note: Users must logout and back into Eclipse PPM in order to receive updated permissions. Be sure to notify them once you save your policy.