Report Template Marker Reference Sheet

As explained in Creating a Report Template, a Report Template MS Excel file is made up of "markers" that will render data once the template becomes a Custom Report in Eclipse PPM. This page lays out all of the markers that can be used as you put together your Report Template in MS Excel.

This reference page is divided into the following categories:

All markers are grouped by report type (Project, Issue, Resource, Risk) where relevant.


Single Item Markers

When entered into a Report Template, a Single Item Marker will be directly replaced by whichever type of data it represents once a Custom Report is rendered. For more information on Single Item Markers, click here.

Tip: Use your browser's Search function (Ctrl+F) to search for relevant markers in these tables.

Note: Single Item Markers can also be used as fields for List Item Markers. For example, the fields for a "Project" List Item Marker can be found in the Project Single Item Markers table, without the "`@" prefix. A project List Item Marker might look like this: `^@Projects(ProjectName, ProjectCategory).

Single Item Markers exist for the following Report Types:


Program Single Item Markers


Default Format

Sortable in List

`@ProgramName text yes
`@ProgramOrganizationOwner text no
`@ProgramPortfolio text yes
`@ProgramOwner text yes
`@ProgramStatus text yes
`@ProgramStatusType text no
`@ProgramCreatedBy text yes
`@ProgramCreatedDate date yes
`@ProgramDescription text no
`@ProgramID text yes
`@ProgramModifiedBy text yes
`@ProgramModifiedDate date yes
`@ProgramNumber text yes
`@ProgramStatusUpdate text no
`@StatusUpdateLastModifiedBy text no
`@StatusUpdateLastModifiedDate date yes
`@Resources text no


Project Single Item Markers


Default Format

Sortable in List

`@ProjectName text yes
`@ProjectBusinessPriority text yes
`@ProjectCategory text yes
`@ProjectOrganizationOwner text no
`@ProjectPortfolio text yes
`@ProjectPriority text yes
`@ProjectOwner text yes
`@ProjectStatus text yes
`@ProjectStatusType text no
`@ProjectType text no
`@Operational text yes
`@EvaluationTotalScore number yes
`@EvaluationTotalWeightedScore number yes
`@EvaluationTotalWeightedRatio percentage yes
`@PrioritizationTotalScore number yes
`@PrioritizationTotalWeightedScore number yes
`@PrioritizationTotalWeightedRatio percentage yes
`@RiskTotalScore number yes
`@RiskTotalWeightedScore number yes
`@RiskTotalWeightedRatio percentage yes
`@ActualReturnAmount number yes
`@ActualReturnPercent percentage yes
`@ActualToDate currency yes
`@BudgetToDate currency yes
`@TotalExpenditures currency yes
`@CashflowExpenditures currency yes
`@CashflowPlanned currency yes
`@EstimateAtCompletion currency yes
`@EstimateToComplete currency yes
`@ExpendituresToDate currency yes
`@ExpendituresToDateVsBudgetToDate percentage yes
`@ExpendituresVsBudget percentage yes
`@PlannedReturnAmount currency yes
`@PlannedReturnPercent percentage yes
`@TotalActual currency yes
`@TotalBudget currency yes
`@TotalBudgetRemaining currency yes
`@TotalBudgetRemainingActual currency yes
`@TotalBudgetRemainingCommitted currency yes
`@TotalCapitalActual currency yes
`@TotalCapitalBudget currency yes
`@TotalCapitalCommitted currency yes
`@TotalCapitalExpenditures currency yes
`@TotalCommitted currency yes
`@TotalExpectedBenefits currency yes
`@TotalFunding currency yes
`@TotalOperatingActual currency yes
`@TotalOperatingBudget currency yes
`@TotalOperatingCommitted currency yes
`@TotalOperatingExpenditures currency yes
`@TotalRealizedBenefits currency yes
`@ProjectCreatedBy text yes
`@ProjectCreatedDate date yes
`@ProjectDescription text no
`@ProjectID text yes
`@ProjectModifiedBy text yes
`@ProjectModifiedDate date yes
`@ProjectNumber text yes
`@ProjectStatusUpdate text no
`@StatusUpdateLastModifiedBy text no
`@StatusUpdateLastModifiedDate date yes
`@ActualEffort number yes
`@ActualEffortToDate number yes

Note: This can still be used for backwards compatibility.
percentage yes
`@BaselineCost currency yes
`@BaselineEffort number yes

Note: `@PlannedEffort can still be used for backwards compatibility.
number yes

Note: `@PlannedEffortToDate can still be used for backwards compatibility.
percentage yes
`@ProjectResourceProductivityRatio percentage yes
`@ApprovedResourcePlannedEffort number yes
`@CurrentResourcePlanEffort number yes
`@ApprovedResourcePlanEffortVsAllocatedEffort number yes
`@ApprovedResourcePlanEffortVsCurrentResourcePlanEffort number yes
`@ApprovedResourcePlanCost currency yes
`@CurrentResourcePlanCost currency yes
`@ProjectPercentComplete percentage yes
`@BaselineDuration number yes
`@BaselineStartDate date yes
`@BaselineEndDate date yes
`@CurrentVsBaseline percentage yes
`@ProjectDuration number yes
`@ProjectStartDate date yes
`@ProjectEndDate date yes
`@ProjectExpectedPercentComplete percentage yes
`@ProjectProgress number yes
`@Organizations text no
`@Resources text no
`@TotalCapitalBudgetRemainingCommitted currency yes
`@TotalCapitalBudgetRemainingActual currency yes
`@TotalOperatingBudgetRemainingCommitted currency yes
`@TotalOperatingBudgetRemainingActual currency yes
`@CashflowActual currency yes
`@CashflowCommitted currency yes
`@CashflowUtilizedExpendituresPercent percentage yes
`@CashflowUtilizedActualPercent percentage yes
`@CashflowUtilizedCommittedPercent percentage yes
`@CurrentYearBudgetUtilizedExpenditures currency yes
`@CurrentYearBudgetUtilizedActual currency yes
`@CurrentYearBudgetUtilizedCommitted currency yes
`@CurrentYearBudgetUtilizedExpendituresPercent percentage yes
`@CurrentYearBudgetUtilizedActualPercent percentage yes
`@CurrentYearBudgetUtilizedCommittedPercent percentage yes


Resource Single Item Markers

Marker Default Format Sortable in List
`@ResourceID text yes
`@ResourceDescription text no
`@ResourceEmail text no
`@ResourceEmployeeID text no
`@ResourceIsFullTime text no
`@ResourceHandle text no
`@ResourceInitials text no
`@ResourceIsManager text no
`@ResourceFirstName text no
`@ResourceLastName text no
`@ResourceStatus text yes
`@ResourceStatusType text no
`@ResourceDirectManager text yes
`@ResourceOrganizationUnit text no
`@ResourcePosition text no
`@ResourceCreatedBy text yes
`@ResourceCreatedDate date yes
`@ResourceModifiedBy text yes
`@ResourceModifiedDate date yes
`@ResourceName text yes


Issue Single Item Markers

Marker Default Format Sortable in List
`@IssueID text yes
`@IssueSubject text yes
`@IssueDescription text no
`@IssueImpact text yes
`@IssueImpactDescription text no
`@IssueSeverity text yes
`@IssueStatusUpdate text no
`@IssueType text no
`@IssueActionRequired text yes
`@IssueActionResolutionDate date no
`@IssueOwners text no
`@IssuePlannedResolutionDate date no
`@IssueStatus text yes
`@IssueStatusType text no
`@IssueReportedBy text yes
`@IssueReportedDate date yes
`@IssueCreatedBy text yes
`@IssueCreatedDate date yes
`@IssueModifiedBy text yes
`@IssueModifiedDate date yes
`@IssueExternalID text no


Risk Single Item Markers


Default Format

Sortable in List

`@RiskID text yes
`@RiskSubject text yes
`@RiskDescription text no
`@RiskImpact text yes
`@RiskImpactDescription text no
`@RiskImpactMagnitude text no
`@RiskProbability text yes
`@RiskCategory text yes
`@RiskCategoryType text no
`@RiskSeverity text yes
`@RiskStatusUpdate text no
`@RiskOwners text no
`@RiskStatus text yes
`@RiskStatusType text no
`@RiskStrategy text no
`@RiskReportedBy text yes
`@RiskReportedDate date yes
`@RiskCreatedBy text yes
`@RiskCreatedDate date yes
`@RiskModifiedBy text yes
`@RiskModifiedDate date yes
`@RiskScore text yes
`@RiskScoreLabel text yes
`@PlannedMitigationDate date yes
`@ActualMitigationDate date yes


Custom Item Markers

A Custom Item Marker represents a field in Eclipse that has been given a custom name. Similar to Single Item Markers, Custom Item Markers will be directly replaced by whichever data type it represents. For more information on Custom Item Markers, click here.

Custom Item Markers exist for the following Report Types:


Program Custom Item Markers

Marker Default Format Sortable in List
`!@HealthIndicator([Value]) image no
`!@Property([Value]) text no
`!@ProjectResource([Role Name]) text no
date no
`!@HealthIndicator([Value],ValueName) text no
`!@HealthIndicator([Value],ValueDescription) text no


Project Custom Item Markers

Marker Default Format Sortable in List
`!@HealthIndicator([Value]) image no
`!@Property([Value]) text no
`!@ProjectResource([Role Name]) text no
date no
`!@HealthIndicator([Value],ValueName) text no
`!@HealthIndicator([Value],ValueDescription) text no


Issue Custom Item Markers

Marker Default Format Sortable in List
`!@LastEnteredState([Value]) date no


Risk Custom Item Markers

Marker Default Format Sortable in List
`!@LastEnteredState([Value]) date no


List Item Markers

A List Item Marker can contain more than one field to be included in a Custom Report. As opposed to both Single and Custom Item Markers, List Item Markers do not represent a one-to-one replacement with data. Instead, they will automatically occupy the required amount of cells both to the right and below them. For more information on List Item Markers, click here.

List Item Markers exist for the following Report Types:


Program List Item Markers

Marker Fields


Note: This will only include data from Projects that are children of the Program.

Any Project Single Item Marker
`^@ProgramResources Any Program Resource field
`^@HealthIndicators Any Health Indicator field
Note: This will only include data from Projects that are children of the Program.
Any task field


Note: This will only include data from Projects that are children of the Program.

Any task field


Note: This will only include data from Projects that are children of the Program.

Any task field


Note: This will only include data from Projects that are children of the Program.

Any task field


Note: This will only include data from Issues linked to Projects that are children of the Program.

Any Issue Single Item Marker


Note: This will only include data from Risks linked to Projects that are children of the Program.

Any Risk Single Item Marker
`^@Comments Any comment field
`^@StatusUpdates Any status update field


Project List Item Markers

Marker Fields
`^@ProjectResources Any project resource field
`^@HealthIndicators Any health indicator field
`^@Tasks Any task field
`^@CompletedTasks Any task field
`^@UpcomingTasks Any task field
`^@InProgressTasks Any task field
`^@Issues Any Issue Single Item Marker
`^@Risks Any Risk Single Item Marker
`^@Comments Any comment field
`^@Notes Any note field
`^@StatusUpdates Any status update field


Issue List Item Markers

Marker Fields
`^@Projects Any Project Single Item Marker
`^@Risks Any Risk Single Item Marker
`^@Comments Any comment field
`^@StatusUpdates Any status update field


Risk List Item Markers

Marker Fields
`^@Risks Any Risk Single Item Marker
`^@Projects Any Project Single Item Marker
`^@Issues Any Issue Single Item Marker
`^@Comments Any comment field
`^@StatusUpdates Any status update field


Additional List Item Marker Fields

List Item Markers are much more complex than both Single and Custom Item Markers. Each List Item Marker must include both the marker itself as well as additional fields that are used to render data.

The lists below contain the additional fields that can be included in certain List Item Markers.

Task Fields

Field Default Format Sortable in List
TaskID text yes
TaskName text yes
TaskDescription text no
TaskUniqueID text yes
TaskCategory text yes
TaskCode text no
TaskWbs text yes
TaskIsCritical text yes
TaskIsSummary text yes
TaskIsMilestone text yes
TaskPercentComplete percentage yes
TaskBaselineDuration number yes
TaskBaselineStartDate date yes
TaskBaselineEndDate date yes
TaskCompletedThrough date yes
TaskConstraintDate date no
TaskConstraintType text no
TaskDeadline date yes
TaskDuration number yes
TaskExpectedWorkComplete number yes
TaskPlannedStartDate date yes
TaskPlannedEndDate date yes
TaskPredecessors text no
TaskAssignedBy text yes
TaskActualStartDate date yes
TaskActualEndDate date yes
TaskCreatedBy text yes
TaskCreatedDate date yes
TaskModifiedBy text yes
TaskModifiedDate date yes
TaskPrioirity number yes
TaskResources text no


Health Indicator Fields

Field Default Format Sortable in List
Name text yes
Description text yes
Value image no
ValueName text no
ValueDescription text no


Project Resource Fields

Field Default Format Sortable in List
ResourceID text yes
ResourceName text yes
ResourceInitials text no


Note: This is the Role of the Resource on the Project.

text yes
ResourceHandle text no
ResourceEmail text no
ResourceEmployeeID text no
ResourceStatus text yes
ResourceStatusType text no
ResourceIsFullTime text no
ResourceIsManager text no
ResourceDescription text no
ResourceOrganizationUnit text no
ResourceDirectManager text yes
ResourcePosition text no
ResourceCreatedBy text yes
ResourceCreatedDate date yes
ResourceModifiedBy text yes
ResourceModifiedDate date yes
ResourceActualEffort number yes
ResourceAllocatedEffort number yes
ResourcePlannedEffort number yes


Program Resource Fields

Field Default Format Sortable in List
ResourceID text yes
ResourceName text yes
ResourceInitials text no
Note: This is the role of the Resource on the Program.
text yes
ResourceHandle text no
ResourceEmail text no
ResourceEmployeeID text no
ResourceStatus text yes
ResourceStatusType text no
ResourceIsFullTime text no
ResourceIsManager text no
ResourceDescription text no
ResourceOrganizationUnit text no
ResourceDirectManager text yes
ResourcePosition text no
ResourceCreatedBy text yes
ResourceCreatedDate date yes
ResourceModifiedBy text yes
ResourceModifiedDate date yes
Note: This is the actual effort tied to this Resource summed across all child Projects of the Program.
number yes
Note: This is the allocated effort tied to this Resource summed across all child Projects of the Program.
number yes
Note: This is the planned effort tied to this Resource summed across all child Projects of the Program.
number yes


Comment Fields

Field Default Format Sortable in List
Comment text no
CommentModifiedBy text no
CommentModifiedDate date no
CommentTags text no


Note Fields

Field Default Format Sortable in List
Note text no
NoteModifiedBy text no
NoteModifiedDate date no
NoteTags text no


Status Update Fields

Field Default Format Sortable in List
StatusUpdate text no
StatusUpdateModifiedBy text no
StatusUpdateModifiedDate date no


Common Markers

A Common Marker represents common data that exists outside Eclipse PPM. When entered into a template, Common Markers will be directly replaced with the data they represent (similar to Single and Custom Item Markers). For more information on Common Markers, click here.

Currently, only one type of Common Marker exists.

Marker Description
`~@Today Date of Report


Content Flow Markers

A Content Flow Marker does not actually represent any data. Instead, it helps control the flow of data once a Custom Report is rendered. For more information on Content Flow Markers, click here.

Marker Description
`~@NBR Non-Breakable Row
`~@SPC Spacer


Piping Options

You can use piping options to either filter or order data from List Item Markers to your liking. For more information on Piping Options, click here.

Below are the available Filtering Options for each List Item Marker. Each filtering option must be placed directly following the List Item Marker. They must also be prefixed with FilterBy and placed within parentheses.

Example: `^@Tasks(TaskName, Tasks Resources).FilterBy(MilestoneOnly).FilterBy(CriticalOnly)

Note: The letters placed within parentheses in the examples below are just variables. Read the description to see what they should be replaced with in your Report Template.

Below each Filtering Options table is an Ordering indication. This will let you know whether or not the fields of a List Item Marker are sortable. If the answer is yes, you can see which values fields are sortable by navigating to the specified table and viewing the "Sortable in List" column.

Note: The high-level report entities (Project, Resource, Issue, and Risk) can have filtering applied when running a report within Eclipse PPM.

`^@Projects Filtering Options

Filtering Option


StatusChanged(S, N)

S = project status

N = number of days since today

Projects will be included if they entered the status (S) during the period specified (N).

StatusChanged(S, D1, D2)

S = project status

D1 = date (mm-dd-yyyy)

D2 = date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Projects will be included if they entered the status (S) between the first date (D1) and the second date (D2).

Ordering: Yes, see the "Sortable in List" column of the Project Single Item Markers table.


`^@Resources Filtering Options

The "`^@Resources" List Item Marker does not have any filtering options.

Ordering: Yes, see the "Sortable in List" column of the Resource Single Item Markers table.


`^@Issues Filtering Options

Filtering Option



I = impact name

Only issues with the impact (I) will be included. This option can be repeated to include more than one impact.


S = severity name

Only issues with the matching severity (S) will be included. This option can be repeated to include more than one severity.


T = type name

Only issues with the type (T) will be included. This option can be repeated to include more than one type.


S = status name

Only issues with the status (S) will be included. This option can be repeated to include more than one status.


S = status type name

Only issues with the status type (S) will be included. This option can be repeated to include more than one status.

Ordering: Yes, see the "Sortable in List" column of the Issue Single Item Markers table.


`^@Risks Filtering Options

Filtering Option



I = impact name

Only risks with the impact (I) will be included.


P = probability name

Only risks with the matching probability (P) will be included.


C = category name

Only risks with the matching category (C) will be included.


C = category type name

Only risks with the matching category type (C) will be included.


S = severity name

Only risks with the matching severity name (S) will be included.


S = status name

Only risks with the matching status name (S) will be included.


S = status type name

Only risks with the matching status type name (S) will be included.


S = score label

Only risks with the matching score label (S) will be included.

Ordering: Yes, see the "Sortable in List" column of the Risk Single Item Markers table.


`^@ProjectResources Filtering Options

Filtering Option



R = role name

Only resources with the matching role name (R) will be included.

Ordering: Yes, see the "Sortable in List" column of the Project Resource Fields table.


`^@ProgramResources Filtering Options

Filtering Option



R = role name

Only resources with the matching role name (R) will be included.

Ordering: Yes, see the "Sortable in List" column of the Program Resource Fields table.


`^@HealthIndicators Filtering Options

The "`^@HealthIndicators" List Item Marker does not have any filtering options.

Ordering: Yes, see the "Sortable in List" column of the Health Indicator Fields table.


`^@Comments Filtering Options

The "`^@Comments" List Item Marker does not have any filtering options.

Ordering: No. Comments are always ordered descending by date.


`^@Notes Filtering Options

The "`^@Notes" List Item Marker does not have any filtering options.

Ordering: No. Notes are always ordered descending by date.


`^@StatusUpdates Filtering Options

The "`^@StatusUpdates" List Item Marker does not have any filtering options.

Ordering: No. Status Updates are always rendered descending by date.


^@Tasks Filtering Options

Filtering Option



Only milestone tasks will be included.


Only non-summary tasks will be included.


T = task code name

Only tasks with the matching task code name (T) will be included.


T = task category name

Only tasks with the matching task category name (T) will be included.


P = priority number (0-1000)

Only tasks with a priority larger than the specified priority number (P) will be included. Can be combined with PriorityUnder(P) to create a range.


P = priority number (0-1000)

Only tasks with a priority lower than the specified priority number (P) will be included. Can be combined with PriorityUnder(P) to create a range.


P = priority number (0-1000)

Only tasks with a matching priority number (P) will be included. Can be used multiple times in the same list to include multiple priorities.


C = critical tasks

Only critical tasks will be included.

Ordering: Yes, see the "Sortable in List" column of the Task Fields table.


`^@CompletedTasks Filtering Options

Filtering Option



Only milestone tasks will be included.


Only non-summary tasks will be included.


D = number of days (1-999)

Only tasks will a Planned End within the last number of days (D) will be included.


T = task code name

Only tasks with the matching task code (T) will be included.


T = tasks category name

Only tasks with the matching task category name (T) will be included.


P = priority number (0-1000)

Only tasks with a priority larger than the specified priority number (P) will be included. Can be combined with PriorityUnder(P) to create a range.


P = priority number (0-1000)

Only tasks with a priority lower than the specified priority number (P) will be included. Can be combined with PriorityUnder(P) to create a range.


P = priority number (0-1000)

Only tasks with a matching priority number (P) will be included. Can be used multiple times in the same list to include multiple priorities.

Ordering: Yes, see the "Sortable in List" column of the Task Fields table.


`^@UpcomingTasks Filtering Options

Filtering Options



Only milestone tasks will be included.


Only non-summary tasks will be included.


D = number of days (1-999)

Only tasks will a Planned Start within the next number of days (D) will be included.


T = task code name

Only tasks with the matching task code (T) will be included.


T = tasks category name

Only tasks with the matching task category name (T) will be included.


P = priority number (0-1000)

Only tasks with a priority larger than the specified priority number (P) will be included. Can be combined with PriorityUnder(P) to create a range.


P = priority number (0-1000)

Only tasks with a priority lower than the specified priority number (P) will be included. Can be combined with PriorityUnder(P) to create a range.


P = priority number (0-1000)

Only tasks with a matching priority number (P) will be included. Can be used multiple times in the same list to include multiple priorities.


Only critical tasks will be included.

Ordering: Yes, see the "Sortable in List" column of the Task Fields table.


`^@InProgressTasks Filtering Options

Filtering Options



Only milestone tasks will be included.


Only non-summary tasks will be included.


Only tasks in "Late" status will be included.


T = task code name

Only tasks with the matching task code (T) will be included.


T = tasks category name

Only tasks with the matching task category name (T) will be included.


P = priority number (0-1000)

Only tasks with a priority larger than the specified priority number (P) will be included. Can be combined with PriorityUnder(P) to create a range.


P = priority number (0-1000)

Only tasks with a priority lower than the specified priority number (P) will be included. Can be combined with PriorityUnder(P) to create a range.


P = priority number (0-1000)

Only tasks with a matching priority number (P) will be included. Can be used multiple times in the same list to include multiple priorities.


Only critical tasks will be included.

Ordering: Yes, see the "Sortable in List" column of the Task Fields table.