About Workflow Configurations

OL Connect Workflow Configurations are service applications, or if you will, input driven applications that continuously run on a given computer and perform actions automatically. Those actions are defined in a OL Connect Workflow configuration file. A configuration file consists of a set of processes, subprocesses, variables, (optional) documents and printer queues, that work together within the OL Connect Workflow Service. A process can be used as simple go between, passing along input data to an output device or folder, but it can also perform various types of data processing.
You can combine the various input, action and output tasks to set up versatile automated processes to print jobs as well as generate other types of output (emails, web pages, files).

Note: A OL Connect Workflow configuration must be composed of at least one process, but it may include as many as 512.

OL Connect Workflow cannot work without a valid configuration, and a OL Connect Workflow session running on a given computer can only use one configuration at a time.
For a configuration created in the OL Connect Workflow Configuration tool to actually be executed by OL Connect Workflow, it must be sent to the OL Connect Workflow Service. When you do this, your OL Connect Workflow forgets its previous configuration and starts executing the tasks included in the new configuration.

When you start the OL Connect Workflow Configuration tool, it either opens the configuration file that is active on the Workflow service, or starts with no configuration at all, depending on your preferences (see Configuration Components pane appearance preferences).
You can always create a new configuration or open an existing one (see Creating a new configuration and Open a OL Connect Workflow configuration file).

The following pages provide information on different parts of a OL Connect Workflow configuration: