
When adding content to your mailing, use merge tags to personalize the content to the recipient, e.g. include the recipient's name to add a personal touch.

On the content tab:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the asset library and expand the tags tab.

  2. Select the location in your email content where you wish to add a tag.

  3. Double-click the tag to add it to your email content.

    Example: [-FIRSTNAME-] added to the opening line.

    Screen capture illustrating a First Name tag added to mailing content.

  4. Repeat as required to include as many tags as are appropriate for your content.

When the email is sent, PostUp will replace the tag with the associated data for that recipient from your database, e.g. [-FIRSTNAME-] will be replaced by the data held in the first name field for each recipient.

The table at the bottom of this article lists the standard merge tags that come with PostUp.

Tip: you can define defaults for some tags in the settings menu.

Screen capture illustrating defaults defined in substitution tags management.

Open substitution tags management and enter values to appear when there is no available data.

Custom field tags

If you have custom fields defined in the settings menu, you can also add tags for these fields, e.g.

  • [-Birthdate-] - tag for the custom field Birthdate.

  • [-Subscriber-] - tag for the custom field Subscriber.

These tags will be available under the custom field tags filter.

Using a custom field tag will replace the tag with the content of the custom field in the same way as a standard tag.

Standard merge tags

The following is a list of the merge tags that are included with PostUp as standard.

Tag Category Description
[-ADVERTISER-] General The name of the advertiser for this mailing.
[-ASSOCIATE_RECIPIENT_URL-] General URL for confirm associating this email address with Push/SMS recipient.
[-BRAND-] General The name of the brand for this mailing.
[-BRANDID-] General The External ID, or PostUp ID if no External ID, of the mailing Brand.
[-BRAND_EXTERNALID-] General The External ID (or Reference No.) of the mailing Brand.
[-CAMPAIGN-] General The title of the campaign associated with the mailing.
[-CLICK_TO_VIEW-] General A URL at which the content of this mailing can be viewed.
[-CONFIRMATIONURL-] General SYSTEM - Link that the user can click on to confirm his/her subscription to the list (where applicable).
[-CURRENT_DATE-] General The current date at the time of message assembly, in the format MM/dd/yyyy.
[-CURRENT_DATE_LONG-] General The current date at the time of message assembly, in the format EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy.
[-CURRENT_YEAR-] General The current year.
[-EMAIL_REPLY-] General PostUp generated reply email address.
[-EMAIL_REPLY_ALPHA-] General PostUp generated reply email address containing only letters.
[-EMAIL_UNSUB-] General PostUp generated unsubscribe email address.
[-EMAIL_UNSUB_ALPHA-] General PostUp generated unsubscribe email address containing only letters.
[-FORWARD-] General Tag to be used as the action of a forward-to-friend form. This form needs to include [-RECIPID_ALPHA-] and [-MAILINGID_ALPHA-] as hidden parameters.
[-FROM_EMAIL-] General The evaluated From Email address. Can be used as a URL param value..
[-FROM_NAME-] General The evaluated From Name. Can be used as a URL param value..
[-LIST-] General The name of the primary list this mailing is being sent to.
[-LIST_CUSTOM-] General The Custom1 field of a list.
[-LIST_EXTERNALID-] General The external ID for the primary list for this mailing.
[-LIST_FRIENDLY_FROM_NAME-] General The friendly 'from' name of a list.
[-LIST_FRIENDLY_TITLE-] General The friendly title of a list.
[-LIST_ID-] General ListID of the list this mailing is being sent to.
[-MAILINGID-] General The MailingID of the current mailing.
[-MAILINGID_ALPHA-] General The alpha encoded MailingID of the current mailing.
[-MAILING_CATEGORY-] General The category this mailing is classified under.
[-MAILING_DOMAIN-] General The domain of the brand for this mailing.
[-MAILING_REFERENCE_NUMBER-] General The Customer Reference Number of the current mailing.
[-MAILING_TITLE-] General The title of the current mailing.
[-NAME-] General The full name of the recipient.
[-OPEN_PIXEL_HERE-] General Control Placement of your tracking pixel.
[-QUEUE_TIME-] General The mailing's Queue Time, in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.
[-SHARE_TO_SOCIAL_BUTTON(<"ARTICLE_TITLE">,<"ARTICLE_URL">,<SHAREBUTTON>)-] General The Share-to-Social button tag will generate the HTML for a button that recipients can click if they want to share an article with their friends..
[-SHARE_TO_SOCIAL_URL(<"ARTICLE_TITLE">,<"ARTICLE_URL"><, SOCIALNETWORK>)-] General The Share-to-Social URL tag provides essentially the same functionality as the Share-to-Social Button tag, but it allows the user complete control over the appearance of the button..
[-SINGLE_CLICK_SUBSCRIBE(<"LIST_TITLE"><, "OPTIONAL_PARAM">)-] General The single click subscribe tag generates a link which will subscribe the recipient to the specified list.
[-SITE_ID-] General SYSTEM - Site ID this recipient is on.
[-STATIC_AD_FETCH(<URL><, OPTIONAL_PARAM>)-] General Text content fetched from the supplied URL. Will not be included as part of the webfetch verification process. OPTIONAL_PARAM can be either the string STRICT_AUTODETECT or a valid character encoding (ex: utf-8, Shift_JIS).If the optional parameter is omitted, assume utf-8..
[-STATIC_TITLE_WEB_FETCH(<URL><, OPTIONAL_PARAM>)-] General The title content fetched from the supplied URL used specifically in email subjects.OPTIONAL_PARAM can be either the string STRICT_AUTODETECT or a valid character encoding (ex: utf-8, Shift_JIS).If the optional parameter is omitted, assume utf-8..
[-STATIC_WEB_FETCH(<URL><, OPTIONAL_PARAM>)-] General Text content fetched from the supplied URL.OPTIONAL_PARAM can be either the string STRICT_AUTODETECT or a valid character encoding (ex: utf-8, Shift_JIS).If the optional parameter is omitted, assume utf-8..
[-SUBJECT_LINE-] General The evaluated subject line. Can be used as a web-analytics attribute.
[-TEMPLATE_TITLE-] General The title of the send template.
[-TIMESTAMP-] General A compact, sortable timestamp in the format "yyMMddHHmmss" (ex: "111231093159" for 2011/12/31 at 09:31:59).
[-WEB_FORWARD-] General PostUp generated forward-to-friend link. Takes the user to a web page that asks for the email address of the person they intend to forward a given email to.
[-WEB_UNSUB-] General PostUp generated unsubscribe link.
[-WEB_UNSUB_ALL-] General

PostUp generated unsubscribe link for all lists.

[-DOMAIN-] Recip tags - Basic SYSTEM - The domain portion of the email address for this recipient
[-EMAILADDR-] Recip tags - Basic SYSTEM - Email Address of the recipient
[-EXTERNALID-] Recip tags - Basic External ID field, useful as a foreign key for a given recipient in a different database
[-RECIPID-] Recip tags - Basic SYSTEM - Unique ID number for this recipient
[-FIRSTNAME-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's first name
[-LASTNAME-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's last name
[-_ADDRESS1-] Recip tags - Basic First line of the recipient's postal mailing address
[-_ADDRESS2-] Recip tags - Basic Second line of the recipient's postal mailing address
[-_CITY-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's city
[-_STATE-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's state
[-_POSTALCODE-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's zip code
[-_COUNTRY-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's country
[-_GENDER-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's gender
[-_DATEOFBIRTH-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's date of birth
[-_MARITALSTATUS-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's marital status
[-_HOUSEHOLDSIZE-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's household size
[-_HOUSEHOLDINCOME-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's household income
[-_SALUTATION-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's title (ex. Mr, Miss, Ms)
[-_HOMEPHONE-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's home phone number
[-_WORKPHONE-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's work phone number
[-_PROFESSION-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's profession
[-_EDUCATION-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's highest level of education attained
[-_TIMEZONEKEY-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's timezone ID
[-_COUNTRYCODE-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's locale - country
[-_LANGUAGECODE-] Recip tags - Basic Recipient's locale - language
[-DATEJOINED-] Recip tags - Engagement SYSTEM - The date that the recipient originally joined your mailing list
[-DATELASTCLICKED-] Recip tags - Engagement SYSTEM - Timestamp of the last time this recipient clicked on a tracking link
[-DATELASTOPENED-] Recip tags - Engagement SYSTEM - Timestamp of the last time this recipient opened a message
[-LISTCATEGORYID-] Recip tags - Engagement SYSTEM - Category ID for List from which this recipient was queued
[-LISTID-] Recip tags - Engagement SYSTEM - ID of List from which this recipient was queued
[-SIGNUPIP-] Recip tags - Engagement The IP address the recipient was using when they signed up.
[-SIGNUPMETHOD-] Recip tags - Engagement This will show how the recipient joined or was added to the list being previewed. If you imported the recipient through PostUp, this will read &quot;Web Import&quot;.
[-SOURCEDESC-] Recip tags - Engagement This column describes the source of the recipient in question. Often reads &quot;One of our partner sites.&quot;
[-SOURCESIGNUPDATE-] Recip tags - Engagement The date at which the recipient opted in to the list. If, for instance, the recipient gave their email address at your website, this field would display the date and time at which they did so.
[-THIRDPARTYSIGNUPDATE-] Recip tags - Engagement The date of this recipient's Third Party signup.
[-THIRDPARTYSOURCE-] Recip tags - Engagement The name of the Third Party source for this recipient.