Context Permissions

Context permissions control what permissions users have when they sign into PowerSteering.

Permission Prerequisite Permissions With This Permission the User Can...
Share Portfolios   Share portfolios with other groups and users.
Portfolio Administration  

View and edit all Portfolios from the Portfolio page, regardless of their sharing settings.

Note: The only Portfolios omitted from the page will be the "My Projects" Portfolio of other users. Users with this permission will not be able to access the "My Projects" Portfolios of others.

Additionally, users with this permission will be able to create and edit Portfolio templates, which can be used to configure the "My Projects" Portfolio settings of other users.

Measure Template   Create and modify measure templates.
Create Organization   Create organizations.
Create Root Work   Create projects.
Measures Mass Attach   Mass attach measures to a portfolio of projects.
Measures Mass Evaluate   Compute values for a selected set of measures attached to a portfolio of projects.
Create New Group   Create a new user group.
Invite User   Invite new users to PowerSteering.
View Reports   View public reports, create/save reports using the Report Wizard in user's My Reports, and create folders in user's My Reports to save reports.
Create Public Reports View Reports Create and modify public reports and report folders and copy reports (public or private) into a public reports folder.
Design Reports View Reports Upload report assets, configure built-in advanced reports, and access the Manage Reports page.
Active Phase - Unrestricted   Advance any phase regardless of whether or not conditions have been met, approval is required, approval has been requested, or a single approver or multiple approvers are assigned and required (Advance on Any Approval setting). If a user with this permission advances the phase, the phase is advanced: status is marked Completed, an actual end date is set, and the next phase is set to On Track. Additionally, a user with the permission may request approval on a phase where approval is required and conditions are met, but the owner has not requested approval. This permission does not apply to a project where the user with the permission is the owner of or an assigned user on the project.
Advance Phase - When conditions met   Advance a phase whose conditions have been met, making its status Completed, whether or not approval is required, approval has been requested, or a single approver or multiple approvers are assigned and required (Advance on Any Approval setting). If a user with this permission advances the phase, the phase is advanced: status is marked Completed, an actual end date is set, and the next phase is set to On Track. Additionally, a user with this permission may request approval on a phase where approval is required and conditions are met, but the owner has not requested approval. This permission does not apply to a project where the user with the permission is the owner of or an assigned user on the project.
Manage Users   View the tab bar and additional columns on the Find a Person screen. Additional columns available include: Invited On, Invited By, Last Login, and Expires.
Create Projects as Complete   Select Create as Complete when creating a new project.
View Visual Portal   View the Visual Portal.
Create Visual Portal View Visual Portal Create, edit, copy, or delete Visual Portals.
Share Visual Portal Create Visual Portal Share Visual Portals with other users.
Work Template Administration   Create new work templates and edit and delete work templates for which they have been assigned as an Administrator.
Metric Template Administration   Create new metric templates and edit and delete metric templates for which they have been assigned as an Administrator.
Tag Administration   Create new tags and edit and delete tags for which they have been assigned as an Administrator.
Custom Field Administration   Create new custom fields and edit and delete custom fields for which they have been assigned as an Administrator.
Dashboard Layout Administration   Create new Dashboard layouts and edit and delete Dashboard layouts for which they have been assigned as an Administrator.
Executive Review Administration   Create new Executive Review layouts and edit and delete Executive Review layouts for which they have been assigned as an Administrator.
Financial Review Administration   Create new Financial Review layouts and edit and delete Financial Review layouts for which they have been assigned as an Administrator.
Field Management Administration   Use Field Management to customize how tags and custom fields appear on objects.
Create and Edit Data Extract Job   Ability to setup data extract jobs, create extract files and transfer them to internal file system.
View Analytics Reports   View the Upland Analytics menu in the navigation, Analytics reports, and dashboards. It does not allow editing any report or dashboard definitions.
Create/Edit Analytics Reports   Create new Upland Analytics reports and dashboards, and copy other published reports or dashboards. It does not allow editing or deleting other user reports or dashboards.
Analytics Administration   Allows full editing capabilities to the user. Users can create/edit/delete any report, dashboard, view, and/or data source.
REST API - Read   Allows users to hit "GET" endpoints, enabling them to "read" PowerSteering data via the API.

Example: Users will be able to hit the "/project/{id}" GET endpoint to receive information about a PowerSteering Project specified by ID.

REST API - Write REST API - Read Allows users to use POST and PUT requests in order to create and edit PowerSteering data via the API.

Example: Uses will be able to use the "/project" PUT endpoint to update a PowerSteering Project specified in the parameter.

REST API - Delete   Allows users to use DELETE requests to delete PowerSteering data via the API.

Example: Users will be able to use the "/project/{id}" DELETE endpoint to delete a PowerSteering Project specified by ID.